As a frequent player of games, I have become accustomed to certain character archtypes. For those who read my blog I'm going to do a quick plug in for this site:
Tv Tropes
To get back from my tangent, when I play video games, notably ones where you can be classes, they tend to be along the same type of classes: You have your warrior/strength dude, your rogue/stealthy skilled dude, and your wizard/spellcaster dude. Now I am glad they give me choices. I like choices. You need choices in game. Who wants their character in an RPG like D&D or some other game to be the same as everyone else's (this excludes Eastern RPGs such as Final Fantasy). You want to make your character yours. It is gonna be a reflection of your personality. You can have your character wield a big huge axe or a tiny sword which you skewer baddies with, or you can have a staff and shoot lightening.
I typically play a more warrior based character. I like to balance out my defense and my offensive. Two handed weapons tend to optimize too much the offensive and I worry. I instead try to get a weapon that is strong yet one handed, so I can use a shield. I like shields. I don't like a bulky meathead looking guy. I prefer someone who is closer to me.
Wizards, however, I never play. The idea of magic I have never been to keen on. First issue is you are squishy. A single poke from a twig can break your bones. Second, I always felt like magic users were big on the "Ha! look at how many I took out! I must be more important than you." I don't like standing back and throwing lightening bolts at people. Seems a bit unfair to me.
Now, if I offend anyone with this rant, boo fucking hoo. I don't care.I don't like wizards. I don't like sorcerers. I don't like mages. Harry Potter can go play with his wand for all I care. When I play a character, its not gonna be a muscle head but it sure as isn't going to be an old man with a bad back and a orthopedic hip with a wand.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Dragon Age (amended)
As of now, I have a copy of Dragon Age: Origins coming, all thanks to my wonderful amazing fiancee :D
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Dragon Age
Taking a brief sabbatical from my story writing, I'm going to write about some other random things. One is the next game I'm excited for.

I've played the game before and really enjoyed the plot. Bioware does a great job on all their games; this one being now exceptions. The previous time I played it I had rented it. I'm pretty excited. Right now I'm using it as motivation to get through and finish school. I think it reminds me of D&D which always makes me excited.
Right now I'm working on several super cool awesome things for school. My portfolio and several units. The portfolio is pretty intense. The units are nice because they are both the same unit except focusing on different things. I've heard it said that the best way to learn is to teach, which is remarkably true. I really feel like I understand so much more about federalism now after making a whole unit about it. I'm pretty set on finishing all my homework in time. Pretty sure about getting As too.
Music wise I think I'm just in a rut. Not that its bad. I think I've just kinda plateaued with my tastes. I've been listening to mostly the same things for a while. Its hard to get on my computer one to change my iPod cause my computer is broken. Lame. I know.
Emmy got me a super awesome comic book. I just want to share it with you all. She's pretty much the coolest girl ever. I love her :D
I've played the game before and really enjoyed the plot. Bioware does a great job on all their games; this one being now exceptions. The previous time I played it I had rented it. I'm pretty excited. Right now I'm using it as motivation to get through and finish school. I think it reminds me of D&D which always makes me excited.
Right now I'm working on several super cool awesome things for school. My portfolio and several units. The portfolio is pretty intense. The units are nice because they are both the same unit except focusing on different things. I've heard it said that the best way to learn is to teach, which is remarkably true. I really feel like I understand so much more about federalism now after making a whole unit about it. I'm pretty set on finishing all my homework in time. Pretty sure about getting As too.
Music wise I think I'm just in a rut. Not that its bad. I think I've just kinda plateaued with my tastes. I've been listening to mostly the same things for a while. Its hard to get on my computer one to change my iPod cause my computer is broken. Lame. I know.
Emmy got me a super awesome comic book. I just want to share it with you all. She's pretty much the coolest girl ever. I love her :D
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Part 3 of story, "Hero of Time"
After over a month on the sea, the ship neared the port in Hyrule. Link stood at the deck of the ship gazing toward the shoreline. The crew nervously worked around, avoiding glancing at the far off land. One old grizzled man stopped mopping the deck to look nervously at Link.
"You want to go back to Hyrule?"
Link looked at the man, "Its my home. I haven't been there for over ten years."
"Oh well, you'll find out soon enough."
"What do you mean by that."
The old man turned back to his dirty mop and resumed his task. Link stared at the ever approaching coastline, wondering what the old man had meant. Link brushed the thought aside and went into the inside of the old ship. The ship rocked back and forth in the waves as Link descended into the rotten, moldy interior. Link was the only passager on the boat left. They all had got off before the ship proceeded to Hyrule. It was poorly lit in the lower decks, Link made do with his lantren. The floor in the ship has soaked and slippery from the water that slowly made its way into it. Link walked past the crew quarters and towards the bottom of the ship where all his possessions where kept for the journey.
Link stepped into the cargo hold with the stench of rot filling the air. He had long since become acustom to terrible smells. Continuing past all the crates and barrels containing various foods and goods, he came to his make shift bed in the back. As he rolled his bedroll up water began to leaked from the inside and his bag was in foot deep water from the previous night's storm. He finished packing as he grimiaced each time water was found somewhere it shouldn't be. After quickly packing his belongs together and straping everything to his back, Link trudged back up the same slippery stairs.
Back on the deck, the port was now clearly visible. A smile grew on his face as thoughts of what he will do back in his homeland. He saw himself getting a new horse at Lon Lon Ranch and riding to see his old friends. Returning the master sword to the temple of time. Link smile grew large at the next thought. Giving back the Ocarina.
"I'll finally be able to just enjoy my time. No more worrying about going back changing things. My time will be my own."
A loud shout from a crew member brought him out of his trance.
"What are they yelling about? They didn't do anything like this at any other stops."
Link focused on the sight of the port. It was there but no one was waiting for them at the dock. many of the building had blacken roofs and missing walls. Rumble and other debris filled the street. The old grizzled man said, "I had heard Hyrule was just getting back to normal when something terrible happened. I hope you find what you are looking for son. We are about to set anchor and I'll be taking you ashore. You have all your belongings?
Link felt a knot in his throat and his heart ached. He wondered what could cause this trouble. Ganon? No he thought. Link knew that he was defeated. He made sure of it. There was no way that monster could return. Link shook the thoughts from his head. His eyes narrowed as he stepped onto the same boat taking him to shore. The old man sat in front of him, reading the oars. The boat smacked the water as it landed, the water splashing and landing in the boat. As the old man began to row, the water lapped and hit the boat. Gulls circled around, diving to catch some fish in the water. The air chilled Link as the water splash and soaked his clothes. The old man just stared intently at Link with his one good eye. After several minutes of just the sound of the water and the gulls, the old man spoke up.
"Last time our ship was here, the port was busy and alive. Something must have happened in the past six months that caused the port to be disserted. I really hope you find those you are looking for. The boat won't be back for another eight months."
Link looked at him but didn't respond. His mind was racing. He tried to think of every possible scenario of things that could cause this devastation
"I remember this port when I left ten years ago. It was alive. It wasn't destroyed when Ganon.first rose to power."
The old man continued, "We don't come to Hyrule that often. I was here about ten or so years ago. It was a miserable place. Just taken over by some guy. Really foul character. I wish I could remember his name. Ganor? Gondor? Ga-"
"Ganondorf" Link said his jaw clenched and hands balled into fists.
"Oh. Yeah. Well this nasty looking character took over Hyrule. Some young feller came along 7 years afterwards and beat him but then left."
The boat pulled up next to the pier as the water splashed all around it. It was completely disertted. Crates and barrels were shattered where they had been. Link tossed his pack over the side and stepped onto the worn wood. The old man looked once at him and said, "Good luck son." and began to row back to the ship.
Link stood on the pier facing the port city. The wind came in from the sea blowing a chill that ran up Link's spine. He became aware that there were no gulls or other animals around the docks. Nothing was here. Quickly picking up his possessions, he walked into the city from the pier.He strapped the Master Sword to his back and hung the Hyrule shield on his arm. Link thought the heavy armor would be a bit excessive since he didn't anticipate any complications or anything that would require it. The sun though shining didn't give the air or the town any wartmth. He passed several of the warehouses on the docks and saw them blackened and crumbling. The wood and stone heaped on the ground where a wall used to be. Link slows his pace down as he enters deeper into the town. Slowly taking each step, his eyes darted from corner to corner, looking to the sky for any signs of trouble there.
A deep scratching noise comes from behind Link. He flips around and unsheaths the Master sword, eyes focusing on everything they can. The sounds continued, as every few seconds a hard scraping noise closed in on Link. His eyes darted back and forth as we crouched lower to the ground. His brain tried to decipher which direction the noise was coming from. Link slowed his breathing. The noise continued closer to Link. He felt his heart pound in his chest; his hand could barely grip the sword.
"I should be acustomed to this. I've been fighting the unknown for years."
The noise stopped just short of Link's line of sight. He held his breathed as the creature came into site. It was a small man with a deformed foot. Link released his breathe and called out to the man.
"Ahoy sir!"
The man whipped around with his eyes wide and mouth open to scream in shock before attempting to run away.
"Wait sir! I just got here! Can you answer some of my questions?"
The man tried his best to out run the able bodied Link, but was quickly overran and stopped.. He looked at Link with tears streaming down his eyes as the rest of his body shook.
"P-p-p-p-please don't k- k-k-kill me! I d-d-d-don't know if G-g-g-g-ganon's minions have p-p-p-pity but I b-b-b-beg of you!"
Link was caught speechless. His body dropped to the ground! His mind raced as ten thousand thoughts blurred and fused together. Link's body went cold, as sweat poured from his forehead and body. His head slide down resting on the stone wall of a ruined building. The man staring at this began to back away slowly keeping his eyes on Link the whole time whose eyes began to tear up.In Link's mind, one thought played over again and again.
"Ganon did this."
"You want to go back to Hyrule?"
Link looked at the man, "Its my home. I haven't been there for over ten years."
"Oh well, you'll find out soon enough."
"What do you mean by that."
The old man turned back to his dirty mop and resumed his task. Link stared at the ever approaching coastline, wondering what the old man had meant. Link brushed the thought aside and went into the inside of the old ship. The ship rocked back and forth in the waves as Link descended into the rotten, moldy interior. Link was the only passager on the boat left. They all had got off before the ship proceeded to Hyrule. It was poorly lit in the lower decks, Link made do with his lantren. The floor in the ship has soaked and slippery from the water that slowly made its way into it. Link walked past the crew quarters and towards the bottom of the ship where all his possessions where kept for the journey.
Link stepped into the cargo hold with the stench of rot filling the air. He had long since become acustom to terrible smells. Continuing past all the crates and barrels containing various foods and goods, he came to his make shift bed in the back. As he rolled his bedroll up water began to leaked from the inside and his bag was in foot deep water from the previous night's storm. He finished packing as he grimiaced each time water was found somewhere it shouldn't be. After quickly packing his belongs together and straping everything to his back, Link trudged back up the same slippery stairs.
Back on the deck, the port was now clearly visible. A smile grew on his face as thoughts of what he will do back in his homeland. He saw himself getting a new horse at Lon Lon Ranch and riding to see his old friends. Returning the master sword to the temple of time. Link smile grew large at the next thought. Giving back the Ocarina.
"I'll finally be able to just enjoy my time. No more worrying about going back changing things. My time will be my own."
A loud shout from a crew member brought him out of his trance.
"What are they yelling about? They didn't do anything like this at any other stops."
Link focused on the sight of the port. It was there but no one was waiting for them at the dock. many of the building had blacken roofs and missing walls. Rumble and other debris filled the street. The old grizzled man said, "I had heard Hyrule was just getting back to normal when something terrible happened. I hope you find what you are looking for son. We are about to set anchor and I'll be taking you ashore. You have all your belongings?
Link felt a knot in his throat and his heart ached. He wondered what could cause this trouble. Ganon? No he thought. Link knew that he was defeated. He made sure of it. There was no way that monster could return. Link shook the thoughts from his head. His eyes narrowed as he stepped onto the same boat taking him to shore. The old man sat in front of him, reading the oars. The boat smacked the water as it landed, the water splashing and landing in the boat. As the old man began to row, the water lapped and hit the boat. Gulls circled around, diving to catch some fish in the water. The air chilled Link as the water splash and soaked his clothes. The old man just stared intently at Link with his one good eye. After several minutes of just the sound of the water and the gulls, the old man spoke up.
"Last time our ship was here, the port was busy and alive. Something must have happened in the past six months that caused the port to be disserted. I really hope you find those you are looking for. The boat won't be back for another eight months."
Link looked at him but didn't respond. His mind was racing. He tried to think of every possible scenario of things that could cause this devastation
"I remember this port when I left ten years ago. It was alive. It wasn't destroyed when Ganon.first rose to power."
The old man continued, "We don't come to Hyrule that often. I was here about ten or so years ago. It was a miserable place. Just taken over by some guy. Really foul character. I wish I could remember his name. Ganor? Gondor? Ga-"
"Ganondorf" Link said his jaw clenched and hands balled into fists.
"Oh. Yeah. Well this nasty looking character took over Hyrule. Some young feller came along 7 years afterwards and beat him but then left."
The boat pulled up next to the pier as the water splashed all around it. It was completely disertted. Crates and barrels were shattered where they had been. Link tossed his pack over the side and stepped onto the worn wood. The old man looked once at him and said, "Good luck son." and began to row back to the ship.
Link stood on the pier facing the port city. The wind came in from the sea blowing a chill that ran up Link's spine. He became aware that there were no gulls or other animals around the docks. Nothing was here. Quickly picking up his possessions, he walked into the city from the pier.He strapped the Master Sword to his back and hung the Hyrule shield on his arm. Link thought the heavy armor would be a bit excessive since he didn't anticipate any complications or anything that would require it. The sun though shining didn't give the air or the town any wartmth. He passed several of the warehouses on the docks and saw them blackened and crumbling. The wood and stone heaped on the ground where a wall used to be. Link slows his pace down as he enters deeper into the town. Slowly taking each step, his eyes darted from corner to corner, looking to the sky for any signs of trouble there.
A deep scratching noise comes from behind Link. He flips around and unsheaths the Master sword, eyes focusing on everything they can. The sounds continued, as every few seconds a hard scraping noise closed in on Link. His eyes darted back and forth as we crouched lower to the ground. His brain tried to decipher which direction the noise was coming from. Link slowed his breathing. The noise continued closer to Link. He felt his heart pound in his chest; his hand could barely grip the sword.
"I should be acustomed to this. I've been fighting the unknown for years."
The noise stopped just short of Link's line of sight. He held his breathed as the creature came into site. It was a small man with a deformed foot. Link released his breathe and called out to the man.
"Ahoy sir!"
The man whipped around with his eyes wide and mouth open to scream in shock before attempting to run away.
"Wait sir! I just got here! Can you answer some of my questions?"
The man tried his best to out run the able bodied Link, but was quickly overran and stopped.. He looked at Link with tears streaming down his eyes as the rest of his body shook.
"P-p-p-p-please don't k- k-k-kill me! I d-d-d-don't know if G-g-g-g-ganon's minions have p-p-p-pity but I b-b-b-beg of you!"
Link was caught speechless. His body dropped to the ground! His mind raced as ten thousand thoughts blurred and fused together. Link's body went cold, as sweat poured from his forehead and body. His head slide down resting on the stone wall of a ruined building. The man staring at this began to back away slowly keeping his eyes on Link the whole time whose eyes began to tear up.In Link's mind, one thought played over again and again.
"Ganon did this."
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