Friday, July 1, 2011

My Hopes and Dreams: Novel Edition

While wrapping up my ongoing novel and needing to post something on my blog, I decided to share with those faithful readers of mine my hopes and dreams and goals with this novel of mine. At the current moment, there are 280 pages in the book. At the moment, I'm closing in to the climatic battle between the Skepnan baddies and the Deskota Legionnaires. This is the part I've been waiting for. Well that and finishing it all. I have been working on this novel for over a year and now the end is finally in sight.

When I started this project, I was going to write about a back story I created for Emmy's and my Dungeons and Dragons characters. Under the advice of my friend Alexander "No Ander" Brown, I changed the world from one of Tolkien to one of my own creation, which I did. My ultimate goal, from the very beginning, has been to just write and finish a book. That goal is going to be accomplished within the next two months.

My hopes for the novel have grown since the beginning. At the start of my novel, my main hope was to just finish the damn thing. Now, I hope that it will get published. Even if doesn't, I'm glad that I was able to finish it. Though I honestly believe that my novel is an interesting and unique story that others will enjoy too. Getting a book published will be going to a new venture and if it doesn't happen, I'm still glad I was able to create something as large a book.

But on the topic of my hopes and dreams, I hope it is published and does well. It would be amazing to get money for all the work and effort put into the novel. Even a modestly successful novel would be a nice accomplishment to include on my resume and to tell my family. Yet! These are my hopes and dreams. To settle for only modest success is to aim low. I hope my book is successful enough to get to the ending I have in mind. That would be a dream come true.

Beyond that, lies the realm of wild fantasy: a movie or television adaptation, and subsequent sequels.

Yet at the moment, I'm content to just finish the damn thing.