Again if you have any suggestions in terms of ideas or corrections feel free to contact me.
Chapter 2
The crowd stood in silence as the video finished. Tamp bite his lip as he walked back to the podium to speak.
"This video came in about half an hour ago. I know many of us had friends and family in the Fourth Legion. This is a terrible day for the Imperial Republic. Our military has been halved in the war. I hope this only strengthens your resolve graduates as you go forth to defend and avenge those whom we lost. If you'll all excuse me, I have some important business I must attend to."
Tamp walked briskly off stage and out of the room accompanied by two Imperial Guards. His light demeanor changed and now focused on the tasks that lay before him. Balin turned towards his mother, watching silently as slowly tears welled up in her eyes as well as his sister's. He stepped closer pulling both close to him and hugging the remains of his family. Balin's thoughts centered on his father, a man, despite being there for a large portion and the reason he was a Sentinel, Balin knew little about personally. His life to was to know him the best way he could, which Balin believed would be a career in the Legions. Shifting back to the last visit with his father, the two of them went out privately to get some food and drinks and discuss school, military, and life. At the restaurant, both of them ordered their traditional dinner, a meat stew for his father and fried brushbird for Balin. His father told Balin that this tour in Tor would be his last. The complexities of the caste system prevented him from moving his family from merchants to warrior caste. However, once Balin graduated it would be certain to change all their castes. Balin's father gave some advice to Balin before the end of the meal. He informed Balin that people in the Legions care more about their personal glory and less about fate of the Imperial Republic. Those people he said also forgot it was for the glory of Deskota they are fighting for. When the father was pressed for some more explanation, he became very silent.
Balin came back to the present. The room was in hysteria; people sobbing on the floor, others yelling and thrashing about, and still more trying to get out to find out if loved ones would be among the died. Holding his mother and sister close, Balin took a deep breathe. The shock was just barely begin to wear off from the news. He still had little idea what would happen now. With the Fourth Legion gone, Torra would be quickly swept over by the Host. He frowned at thought. He held his mother and sister closer, he worried for them. His family just owned a small business inside the third ring of Imperial city. They sold groceries and other small items locally in the community. Business generally tended to stay steady and the family made money. Having enlisted in the military, Balin's tuition came at a reduced cost due to his father's position in the Legion's and his family's lower caste status. He worried that this war would cause them untold grief, having already lost their father; now with him going into an even more threatening positions, they stood to lose even more. Balin's eyes started to water up as he stood thinking of what terrible news lay in front of his family now.
"Balin, I don't want you to take this news that there is no hope. As long as you keep enduring to the end of all things, you will discover that there is always hope to be found."
"Thanks mom." He bent down and gently kissed the top of her head, "you and Rital better get going home. The mag train has a lot of stops before the third ring. You give me a call when you get home?"
"We will Bal. What you going to do? Stay at the party some more?"
"I will probably find Vai and talk to him. We all have to report for duty early for our assignments. I was hoping for the Fourth Legion so I could possibly see dad, but," Balin trailed off as his eyes zoned out on the screen with the image frozen on the words end transmission.
His sister stepped closer and squeezed him hard. "Please be safe in all that you do. I love you my kiz'julo."
With that his mother and sister turned and walked through the crowd towards the door. Balin watched silently as they passed through the exit, hoping that they will be ok in the coming days after the news. It had been almost ten minutes since the announcement had been made regarding the video. Balin hurried out of the ceremony room to find a news terminal to see the what they said about it. Within several minutes he located one in a break room full of other graduates and their families. Recognizing no one, he stood back to the wall as the new report began to air.
The news anchor, an attractive woman with red hair and shard emerald green eyes, introduced the piece as the latest news from the front. She cautioned that the video while not graphic is still a difficult image to see, anyone who may not want to see it should look away or change the channel. The bar on the lower half of the screen said breaking news as the video report aired. Balin and the rest in the room remained completely enthralled with the video and the images. The video was a taste for Balin of the mess he was about to wade into. The news stopped on the burning image of Tor and showed another image of the city before the attack. The anchor continued to speak about the horrors, before calling in a military advisor to discuss the ramifications of the loss of the city. Balin left the room at this point. He already knew the ramifications of the loss of the city and the Fourth Legion.
The night air was warm as some rain silently fell all around him. The armor, while for this purpose was ceremonial, was fully operational and had a micro weave fiber in it to help absorb heat and regulate temperatures for the wearer. Taking a stroll into the garden's of the academy, he stopped in front of a large lushberry tree. During his years at the academy, this tree had been his friend and a place of solace. Balin knew this would be the last time he would get to see this spot. Lying on the grass, he moaned of the future to come for him and the rest of his fellow graduates. Wishing things could be simple again, he thought back to his youth before the whole war started. His sister was just born and his father's place in the Legion seemed safe and comfortable. Playing ball with his friends in the backyard of the apartment building where the family lived, Balin was safe and happy. Balin was naive and carefree about the concerns of the outside world. His life centered around school, family and his games. When the war started, it seemed foreign and remote to the his world. He did remember his parents watching the television for days after the initial message and attack on Forge. Being young, the news mattered little to him; now, he was a constant consumer.
After spending considerable staring at the branches and leaves of the lushberry tree, Balin stood and went back to the dorm room. Vai was still out with Nami and most likely wouldn't be home until much later that evening. Tired of the all the activities and the recent news, Balin quietly took off the armor. For normal Legionnaires, armor went back to the armory. Seninel armor was specially fitted to each soldier and because of that, they were allowed to keep them within their rooms. Placing it on the stand designed for it, Balin made sure each piece was there. After finishing the long arduous process of the armor, he quickly threw on his sleeping clothes, just a simple shirt and some shorts. He brushed his teeth and slipped under the covers of the bed, checking the alarm for the correct time and finally turning on some music to sleep to. He stared at the ceiling wondering what his assignment could possibly be. It left two Legions to be placed into, though possibly he had heard of some placed in more special units and assignments. His breathing slowed as the outside world faded and dreams began to take over. Within minutes, Balin was asleep.
Upon waking up, he dressed as Vai was facedown on the ground next to his bed. Laughing silently to himself, he kicked Vai, whom still was fully armored, in the side to wake him. Groaning from the impact, Vai sat up and blinked several times at Balin.
"Time to get up for our assignments?"
"Yeah. You should clean your armor a bit. You've got vomit all over the front it."
Vai peered down the front of his armor. After examining the light yellowish stain with small chunks of food remained glued onto the chest plate, Vai said, "You're right. I doubt the Praetor will like it will I come hungover and vomit covered. What did I eat yesterday?"
"You're guess is as good as mine. Better hurry, got ten minutes to before we need to catch the mag."
Vai slowly dragged himself up and trudged quietly to the washroom to try to clean the onyx armor. Balin combed his hair and then quickly ruffled it to achieve his out of bed look he so desired. He quickly check his mail on his infotab. Picking up the small book sized tablet, he quickly entered his password. Balin looked disappointed, he had hoped for some sort of news on his father but received no new messages regarding his fate. Vai came back from the washroom with his armor's breastplate shining from being clean. Vai sat next to Balin, wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulder, "Your father was a great Legionnaire. I'm sure he is ok and they aren't sending data to so the bastards can't find their positions. Come on, we need to get going." Balin peered into his Vai's eyes, only to quickly look away. He stood, setting the tablet back on the table. After the assignments were issued to the Sentinels, they were given 3 hours to report to their commanding officer or to the local military base, Fort Scutum for transportation. He didn't have possess many belongings, so the three hours with one being for packing, would be sufficient for Balin.
The morning was bright as the remains of several thunderclouds clung desperately to the sky in an attempt to survive the day. Balin and Vai marched to the train where they were given sets in the front, due to their unique positions as Sentinels. Over the ride, Balin stared out at the mag's windows at the cityscape passing by. Vai talked about his what he did after the announcement and the party. Balin, nodded to acknowledge Vai's story. His thoughts were focused elsewhere, mostly on the possible fate of his father. Vai continued his story, unaware of Balin's internal thought. He told Balin how that night, Nami and him found some Legionnaires to party. The mag slowed as it reached the stop, the Tower of the Legions. The reflective glass of the concrete and marbled tower shone brightly in the morning sun. The three supporting pillars dwarfed many of the adjacent buildings. The white grantie of the steps leading up to the gates of the building were flanked with Imperial Crusaders, special branch of the Legions for ceremony and defense of key areas. Balin and Vai, awestruck and dumbfound, proceeded up the long flight of steps.
Upon reaching the gates, the two greeted the Crusaders guarding the gate. Their eyes darted to each other then back at the men before them before opening the gates to the interior of the building. The white floor reflected the sun and lit the room up with a fountain as a fountain in the middle glistened. As the friends continued farther, two more Crusaders stopped them.
"Identification and purpose sirs."
Both pulled out their military ids and their papers to hand to the guards. After a quick inspection, which consisted of staring at the ids and the two Sentinels and a thorough reading of the papers, the guards shoved the items back.
"Up the elevator, to the 15th floor. Second door on the left. Praetor Morno is expecting both of you."
The guards continued past. Balin found the nearest elevator and lead Vai there. It ascended the building silently with its occupants silent in nervous contemplation. The ride took no more than a minute to reach the final floor and opened to revel a long carpetted hallway. As they took one step out of the elevator, another guard greeted them and requested their paperwork. He took his time before pointing to a bench out and motioning Vai to seat and for Balin to proceed into room. He stepped into Praetor's office and was amazed at the impressive sight.The large pillared room stretched back and in the middle sat the hardteak wood desk with the Praetor behind it.Books, awards, commendations, and several antique weapons were positioned all throughout the room. The wall had an ancient weathered map of the Imperial Republic of Deskota from the first years of the Unification Wars. Balin went to the front of the desk next to the chair positioned directly in front of the desk where the old woman glared at Balin. She had grey hair down to her shoulders with her ceremonial battle armor on as well a scowl.
"Sit Lieutenant. I'm here to give you first assignment. I have been reviewing your record for the morning. Tell Lt. Balin, where do you expect you will be stationed at?"
"Maim, I have no idea where I will be needed or stationed. Where ever the Imperial Republic needs me the most."
"Good. I'm glad you think that way. You're being sent to Tyro in Shain to lead the garrison there.You will be reporting to me, as I am the Praetor of the Imperial Legion of Deskota's Second Commend. In such case, you are now a Lieutenant, first grade. Congratulations on your promotion, not many get one their first day."
She slid over a tablet with his orders on it and directions.
"Here are the orders lieutenant. Head to Thyro and meet with Sergeant Am'had. You and him are both to lead the garrison of approximately 500. Typically, we would have someone of higher rank do this but constrains of the war have made that not a luxury we are able to afford. Serve with distinction lieutenant, dismissed."
Balin stood, saluted the Praetor, and walked out the door back into the hall.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Fun random Blog...
I named this several days ago. So I feel like I have to live up to the name. Which is a lot of pressure. It must be random but has to to be fun. I worry that it won't be random. Or fun.
Tomorrow is the first day of my student teaching. Can somebody say nervous? I can't. I'm not really feeling anything. I think I'm more concerned with my clothing than the actual being there.

I'm going to be there bright and early. Why? Got me. I just felt like it was the right thing to do. I don't start actually student teaching until the the 13. But I plan tomorrow to come in and get my foot in with a bang. That sentence was really stupid. Damn! I'm not making this fun am I.
What is fun... Clowns!

I have one section of government and two of English. The English are both juniors, which I haven't had any experience with yet. The government section is all seniors, jaded and disappointed. The teacher of government is a huge guy, looks like he loves football. It has the uncanny effect of making me rather small.

The biggest fear is finding my teaching style. I want to be fun but I don't want to sacrifice discipline and rules for it. I have high expectations but I worry how to implement them. My favorite teacher was Mr Leland Wayne "Former-Chemical-Engineer-Turn-Badass-Teacher" Tufts. He pushed every student. If I am half the teacher he was, I'll be a good teacher. He'd be like, "Oh, it's ten at night? Well I've help 10,000 students today get math before, during, and after school. Time to write lesson plans to help them again!"
Ok. So not like that. But close. I think.
Tomorrow is the first day of my student teaching. Can somebody say nervous? I can't. I'm not really feeling anything. I think I'm more concerned with my clothing than the actual being there.
I'm going to be there bright and early. Why? Got me. I just felt like it was the right thing to do. I don't start actually student teaching until the the 13. But I plan tomorrow to come in and get my foot in with a bang. That sentence was really stupid. Damn! I'm not making this fun am I.
What is fun... Clowns!
I have one section of government and two of English. The English are both juniors, which I haven't had any experience with yet. The government section is all seniors, jaded and disappointed. The teacher of government is a huge guy, looks like he loves football. It has the uncanny effect of making me rather small.
The biggest fear is finding my teaching style. I want to be fun but I don't want to sacrifice discipline and rules for it. I have high expectations but I worry how to implement them. My favorite teacher was Mr Leland Wayne "Former-Chemical-Engineer-Turn-Badass-Teacher" Tufts. He pushed every student. If I am half the teacher he was, I'll be a good teacher. He'd be like, "Oh, it's ten at night? Well I've help 10,000 students today get math before, during, and after school. Time to write lesson plans to help them again!"
Ok. So not like that. But close. I think.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Blog title in progress
Today is Tuesday, so I thought I'd write a blog. I sat down at my computer to write this blog. I logged onto and clicked the button to begin writing a blog. The problem came up that I had NO idea what to write about. I thought for a bit I could write about my day. The problem with that is that my day was as boring as everyone else's.
A blog should be witty I thought to myself. Some blogs are serious though another part responded. Other blogs are informational shouted a third part, though that part is lame and the other two called it a dork. A fourth part suggested that it be about whatever I was feeling at the moment. The first two pondered the suggestion, as did the rest of me.
Hmmm. I thought whatever I am feeling. What am I feeling at the moment? Well not too much so lets not go with that suggestion.
The problem vexed me greatly. A blog needs a topic, a purpose as does any other piece of writing. How can one aimlessly write and hope for people to be interested? Well, they could but it would be idiotic of them to do so. I looked around my room for an idea, a spark that would flash from something. It didn't work however. A room full of moving boxes doesn't really make a mind "spark" to life.
The remaining parts threw some suggestions out, "how about something you are interested in?" or how about something that you want to rant about?" "While possiblities," I responded, "I don't think either is going to be of much interest in me."
Talk about music or video games. No. Over done and simple.
Talk about how much you really don't like nuts. Nay. Too mundane for such a place.
Talk about how when you were younger you had misconceptions of the world, you could bridge that to theory theory. No thank you part three. I thought you had left? For a bit but I'm back. Great.
How about you enlist others in your quest for a topic? I paused. That is a great idea!
Moving my cursor over to my Facebook tab, I tapped the mousepad then proceeded to move it to the box labelled "Whats on your mind?" Another click and I typed "Working on blog. Should be interesting. Whats a topic to write about?"
I quickly forgot about my status and moved onto something else. A bit later, a message appeared at the lower right of my screen alerting me of a new email from Facebook. I quickly went to the facebook tab and checked the notifications. YES! It was something relevant to my quest! Or so I thought. Suspicion had crept into people's mind about my goals.
It will be ok Chris softly spoke the first part as it stroked my hair.
Cheer up Chris. Don't let it get you down.
Well maybe I should forget about writing a blog today.
If you think that is best, maybe. You are having a difficult time with a topic. There is always writing about something informational though.
Shut up third part. No one wants to hear your idea.
Time pasted and the quest was forgotten. Then appeared another message in the lower right of the screen. Could this be pertaining to my quest?
It was. A friend suggested a blog about how backwards Peta is. A topic that I had no heart for, for I sunk lower in my depression about a blog topic. I slumped to the flower and raised my limbs at the heavens cursing the futility of writing a blog!
I never should have started one in the first place I screamed. To myself of course.
I was distracted by another noise from the computer. Another message from Facebook. Oooo I thought. I am easily distracted so sometimes I forget what I am doing while half way through it.
Another suggestion. It posed the suggestion to write a blog about finding a topic for a blog. A very meta idea. I like meta. This is meta. My meta blog. Or was it a story? A meta story? Regardless. My blog is about how I found a topic for my blog. or is it about being a blog topic? I'm confused.
A blog should be witty I thought to myself. Some blogs are serious though another part responded. Other blogs are informational shouted a third part, though that part is lame and the other two called it a dork. A fourth part suggested that it be about whatever I was feeling at the moment. The first two pondered the suggestion, as did the rest of me.
Hmmm. I thought whatever I am feeling. What am I feeling at the moment? Well not too much so lets not go with that suggestion.
The problem vexed me greatly. A blog needs a topic, a purpose as does any other piece of writing. How can one aimlessly write and hope for people to be interested? Well, they could but it would be idiotic of them to do so. I looked around my room for an idea, a spark that would flash from something. It didn't work however. A room full of moving boxes doesn't really make a mind "spark" to life.
The remaining parts threw some suggestions out, "how about something you are interested in?" or how about something that you want to rant about?" "While possiblities," I responded, "I don't think either is going to be of much interest in me."
Talk about music or video games. No. Over done and simple.
Talk about how much you really don't like nuts. Nay. Too mundane for such a place.
Talk about how when you were younger you had misconceptions of the world, you could bridge that to theory theory. No thank you part three. I thought you had left? For a bit but I'm back. Great.
How about you enlist others in your quest for a topic? I paused. That is a great idea!
Moving my cursor over to my Facebook tab, I tapped the mousepad then proceeded to move it to the box labelled "Whats on your mind?" Another click and I typed "Working on blog. Should be interesting. Whats a topic to write about?"
I quickly forgot about my status and moved onto something else. A bit later, a message appeared at the lower right of my screen alerting me of a new email from Facebook. I quickly went to the facebook tab and checked the notifications. YES! It was something relevant to my quest! Or so I thought. Suspicion had crept into people's mind about my goals.
It will be ok Chris softly spoke the first part as it stroked my hair.
Cheer up Chris. Don't let it get you down.
Well maybe I should forget about writing a blog today.
If you think that is best, maybe. You are having a difficult time with a topic. There is always writing about something informational though.
Shut up third part. No one wants to hear your idea.
Time pasted and the quest was forgotten. Then appeared another message in the lower right of the screen. Could this be pertaining to my quest?
It was. A friend suggested a blog about how backwards Peta is. A topic that I had no heart for, for I sunk lower in my depression about a blog topic. I slumped to the flower and raised my limbs at the heavens cursing the futility of writing a blog!
I never should have started one in the first place I screamed. To myself of course.
I was distracted by another noise from the computer. Another message from Facebook. Oooo I thought. I am easily distracted so sometimes I forget what I am doing while half way through it.
Another suggestion. It posed the suggestion to write a blog about finding a topic for a blog. A very meta idea. I like meta. This is meta. My meta blog. Or was it a story? A meta story? Regardless. My blog is about how I found a topic for my blog. or is it about being a blog topic? I'm confused.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Chapter one of Taco Stand Love
The large domed room contained the graduates of the finest military academy in the land of Deskota, The Emperor’s Sentinels. 400 graduates stood together rigid and tight as though one mind control them all. In a voice that echoed into the street, they repeated the oath of the Imperial Republic, swearing to uphold it to their dying breath. Within the 400, Balin stood proud and tall, for the feeling of accomplishment and patriotic fever swelling within his soul. Balin wasn’t the head of the class, wasn’t the strongest, fastest, or the luckiest. He was simply the one who was friendly and cared enough to get through with enough credits to join the elite group. Balin was around 24 at the time of graduation, having spent his first 3 years out of secondary school doing basic training and certification necessary to apply to the academy. Roughly six feet tall, Balin was fairly muscly but not to any extreme. He had short slightly ragged light brown hair that often came close to violating the dress code. On his left shoulder and arm were several tattoos, the most prominent one being a yellow chickfly bird. His aqua blue eyes often were the first feature that many people noticed about him. The Emperor Sentinels were in charge of certain battalions of troops and more often than not those battalions could swing the balance of a battle in favor Deskota. They were hardened and taught to lead by example. A member of the sentinels could be spotted on the battlefield from their unique armor and the confidence in the soldiers around them. Sentinels could influence battles; however, they weren’t invincible or able to hold back the Host pressing down upon the empire.
The war had raged on for 11 years when Balin graduated. He remembered as a young boy hearing the new stories of the large barbaric reptilian creatures invading from the south. The recently united empire was surprised by the fearsome and terrifying creatures that bore no resemblance to them. The first news reports came in as sightings and the sudden destruction of towns and villages on the coasts. It was not until New Gildeon was under siege and the Imperial Legions arrived that Balin fully understood as a child the world around him. The videos of the battles were terrifying to watch as the 8 and ½ feet tall creatures tearing limbs and snapping spears with ease. The ill-prepared Imperial Legion at New Gildeon was crushed. Those who survived and managed to make it back to the nearest settlement told stories of the horrors inflicted upon them by the invaders, stories that made an 11-year-old Balin suffer nightmares and sleepless nights.Balin's situation was transformed overnight when he was 12, the town where he lived was on the edge of the frontier. The army evacuated the whole town of 5,000 overnight. Later he heard that the town was destroyed as the horde of the Skepnan passed through. Balin's brother later would be recruited by the army to be a scout and chart the movements and other information of the Host.
The graduates of the Sentinel program stood and marched in a single file line up to the stage. Balin stood in the middle of the 400. His ranking based on his academic prowess and credit. As each name was called, one their uniform and one to go over each graduate's armor, a piece of clothe with the Imperial Republic insignia was strapped on. The insignia consisted of two trees with a ring of stars with tower between the trees. He waited as best as he could. Patience wasn't one of Balin's stronger attributes. The line continued crawling as the Praetor Tamp called out each name in slow succession. He would strap the clothe over their shoulder and hand them another one. All followed by a firm handshake, or a hug. Members in the crowd would whoop and yell as a name was called out and again when the congratulations by the officials was over. Balin's mother and and younger sister were there to support him. Balin's friend and constant partner throughout the trials Vai stood behind him. Every couple names Vai would chuckle at the unfortunate soul the name belong too.Vai and Balin's exploits at the school were less than stellar and generally regarded as annoying. They met the second week of the program when forced together to solve a difficult situation managing a battle simulation.It wasn't their solution that made them friends but the enjoyment of causing difficulties for the other recruits.
The line grew shorter as the the dark blue uniforms disappeared one by one across the stage and reappeared back in the seats. Balin rocked back and forth in his shoes. The wait had dragged on enough for him. Soon the girl standing in front of him stepped onto stage and shook hands with the Praetor. Over the P.A system, Balin heard his name called. Walking calmly from the hard floors to the stage, he could see in the middle his sister and mother waving at him proudly. The school had been tough on all of them. With graduation, his family moved up a caste. They were in the low merchant class. With the graduation comes new honor and power to his family. Balin walked to the Praetor, saluted him and then shook his hand. The Praetor knew Balin well, often having chats with him and Vai after something had gone wrong at the school. None of the pranks ever were his idea, most originated with Vai and his idiotic roommate, whom didn't make it to the graduation. The Praetor strapped the leather across his chest and handed Balin the version for his armor. Balin waved calmly to his family as he walked off stage. One of the instructors, looked at him with a glare that normally would have frozen Balin's blood and a head shake to let him know that it was out of order.
Back at his seat, Balin congratulated the girl next to him quietly. She looked him in the eyes and smile and whisper back a congrats to him. The rest of the graduates proceeded without disruption through the ceremony. The Praetor, after awarding the last of the sashes, congratulated them all as group. Lauding them for being the future leaders and for making sacrifices unknown to others. Concluding his remarks, he reminded all the new members that it is the 11th year of the war, many have died as Sentinels, Legionaries, and as civilians but they will find a way to win the war. The crowd rose to its feet cheering and scream like a roar of a lion. The new Sentinels stood and saluted the Praetor. Following the salute, the 400 screamed to life and jumped up and congratulated one another. Balin found Vai quickly and exchanged a hug with him.
"You did it. I really doubted that you would stay in man!"
"Ha! I could have sworn you would have been the first to get kicked out for the shit you did!"
"Vai, you bastard. You were the ones always getting me into that shit. Either way, we made it through it. Ready to get some revenge?"
"Balin, you know how much I can't wait to kill me some of those tri-jaws. I'm gonna hang one up on my wall."
"I'm gonna get one of their dual swords for my apartment to hang up on my first leave."
Right then another Sentinel, a girl named Nami, grabbed Vai and hugged and kissed him. The two had been in a relationship for about six months. She was a fit girl who worked out constantly and regularly took parts in the sparring tournaments. Once she managed to win the entire tournament. Her medium length blond hair fell into her face as she jumped on his back and mushed to ran away.
Balin chuckled to himself as the two ran away. He pushed his way through the mass of armored sentinels, well-wishers and family of the graduates looking for his family. He smiled as he walked past friends and acquaintances, squeezing past groups of people. Balin saw his younger sister, Rital, standing on a chair looking for him in the sea of humanity. Raising his hand, he caught her attention making her jump up and down waving frantically in his direction. Balin increased his pace and hugged his sister. Looking into her purple eyes, Balin saw the excited she had for her future now and the pride she had from her brother being one of the elite.
"You gonna kill some of the Skepnans now Balin?"
Balin laughed and hugged her again. "We'll see I get my assignment tomorrow. I hope there still some fighting left to be down in Torra. Be nice to push the Host back some."
His mother came and gave him a kiss on the check. "We're proud of you getting through it. You are going to make a difference in the war without a doubt son."
Balin felt a hand fall on his shoulder and pull. Turning around, he faced the Praetor who was wearing his ceremonial armor, a steel plated suit with a gold embroidery and the Imperial Legion's symbol on the chest. Balin saluted quickly.
"At ease Balin. No need for formalities here, it's a time to celebrate your accomplishment. I must say I didn't think you had it in you with how much trouble you got yourself into." He threw in a wink at the end so Balin knew he was kidding.
"Any clue my assignment Praetor? Or at least which Legion I am to be to in?
"Sorry Balin, you'll find out tomorrow. I, myself, don't find out until later tonight." The Praetor gently put his hand on Balin's shoulder as he said this.
A legionnaire appeared next to the Praetor and saluted him and proceeded to hand him an electronic tablet. The Praetor's smile disappeared and was reformed as a frown. Looking at the tablet more, the Praetor nodded towards to the legionnaire, dismissing him.
"Excuse me, there is some urgent news I need to attend to. I'll be back shortly however."
Leaving them, Balin turned toward his family and gave them a hug again. "I'm really glad you two could make it out here. Was it difficult finding someone to cover the shop? Anyone heard about father?" Looking at his mother and sister, Balin's eyes glistened at the thought of his father. It was his father that had inspired him as a young boy to become a Sentinel. His father at a young age was recruited by the Legions to fight in the first offense of the Skepnan Host. His father was eventually promoted and moved into the Fourth Legion defending . As a sergeant, he lead a small platoon to attack a fortified position on the Torran front. Despite the heavy causalities, Balin's father broke through the position allowing the Fourth Legion to break the lines on their offensive. It had been over 3 lunar cycles since they had received a video message from him.
"Still nothing. I was hoping to hear something from him. We've been hearing that there has been a media blackout on any operation in the Torran province. Can you believe people actually believe there are humans assisting the Skepnans?"
"I hope he doing well. The video I've seen of the carnage the Skepnan cause are horrifying to say the least. Vai throw up after seeing one them."
"The media rarely show anything besides the results of battles. They tend to only show the corpses of the Skepnan warriors. They are ugly fuckers." His sister chimed at this point.
Balin knew only the carnage from the videos they watched. They had to watch videos from the commander's post of one battle and predict the battle shifts and movements. In the videos they watched as the commander failed, and the forward lines of the Legions were slaughtered. Body parts flew into the camera at one point from the brutality when one legionnaire is torn apart. Arms, legs, and heads ripped or cut off. After the three years of academy, every sentinel had become accustomed to the carnage, unfazed by any anything the battlefield may throw at them. Many of the past Sentinels spoke to the future group about the effectiveness about this model as it allowed them to block out the battle's horrors and atrocities. Often though, many other legionnaires reported that this created less compassion and sympathy in some Sentinels for the soldiers in their unit. The videos and simulations the Sentinels were put through focused on molding them into effective killers in combat, which they did with some unfortunate side effects for many of the participants.
Balin asked his family if they wanted anything to drink and his mother requested a water. Walking over to the table with the refreshments on it, he overheard some other graduates talking.
"I heard one of the teachers talking about how they plan to move the Last Legion away from the city. It has only been once moved in its entire history!' A short stout bearded one shouted.
"Calm down. There is still the Second Command and the Fourth is made of entirely of the warrior caste of Torra. I've seen some of them fight, complete maniacs but effective." a taller girl with brown hair responded.
Balin finished making his way to the table. It was a standard refreshment table for these sorts of gathering, different types of fruits and vegetables on platters, breads and cheeses combined in some fashion, and the occasional meat slices. Picking up a small cup for his mother, he filled it with some ice in a nearby bowl while keeping his ears on the nearby conversations.
"I'm telling you man. The best girls were in Zoziah! You ever seen some of those refugees? Sexy."
"No way man. Deskota girls are the cutest. We've been to Yah'nom Beach and you've seen it with your own eyes."
Balin chuckled to himself. He had a fair share of girl friends during his training and his years at the academy. A couple of these friends he had grown close to and with one had a relationship with. Balin wasn't one of the types that ran around trying to get physical with every woman he possibly could. He wasn't either the type a guy who was above checking girls out and flirting with them. His luck typically stayed on the side of trying but not successful. He currently had the hots for a girl in her second year at the academy named Nalar'sha. He had met the petite yet ferocious girl during a time at the gym practicing his sparring. She had been watching him from the side and ever so flirting with him; it was a trick as he had been sparring with her friend. With her flirting, it allowed her friend to get the edge on a distracted Balin and win. Balin ever since then tried his best to talk with her but his nerves with girls always fell a little short of his wishes.
Returning back to his family, he handed his mother the water. She thanked him as she took a sip. The air was full of shouting, laughing and talking as the graduates and families rejoiced with each other.
"Attention everyone. I want to share this with you before the media broadcasts it in ten minutes," Praetor Tamp's voice boomed over the P.A. "We just received this video from a field outpost stationed on the far side of Torra, in regards to the Fourth Legions attempts at protecting Tor from the Skepnan Host. What you are about to see for some is a common sight and one that will become more common in the days to come, others, I strongly urge you to not watch the video."
The lights in the room dimmed as the screen lit up, on the screen showed three Sentinels their armor broken and blood stained. A female voice came over, "This is Lieutenant Commander Li'Bet reporting from the gate's of Tor." The camera swung up to show the gates of the city cracked and ripped open as parks flew from wires. Bodies of both the Imperial Legion and Skepnan lay strewed across the ground, the camera continued to pan around before coming back to focus on the Li'Bet with Tor a conflagration in the background. "As you can see sir, the Fourth Legion has been completely destroyed as well as Tor. We haven't received any word on survivors. However, we do believe it was a 100% fatal casualty battle. We don't have any idea when the battle actually took place, estimates range at around one lunar cycle." A yell came for them to move out of the way. The camera swung around to catch a large concrete and stone piece of the wall's defenses crashing down as dust and rubble fly in every direction. Two Skepnan warriors appear in the camera's view, as their mouth hiss and click their weird language. The two humans not with the camera charged the beasts as the transmission faded out.
(Author's note: I am aware of the possiblity of mistakes, should you find any let me know or any feedback would be great too.)
The war had raged on for 11 years when Balin graduated. He remembered as a young boy hearing the new stories of the large barbaric reptilian creatures invading from the south. The recently united empire was surprised by the fearsome and terrifying creatures that bore no resemblance to them. The first news reports came in as sightings and the sudden destruction of towns and villages on the coasts. It was not until New Gildeon was under siege and the Imperial Legions arrived that Balin fully understood as a child the world around him. The videos of the battles were terrifying to watch as the 8 and ½ feet tall creatures tearing limbs and snapping spears with ease. The ill-prepared Imperial Legion at New Gildeon was crushed. Those who survived and managed to make it back to the nearest settlement told stories of the horrors inflicted upon them by the invaders, stories that made an 11-year-old Balin suffer nightmares and sleepless nights.Balin's situation was transformed overnight when he was 12, the town where he lived was on the edge of the frontier. The army evacuated the whole town of 5,000 overnight. Later he heard that the town was destroyed as the horde of the Skepnan passed through. Balin's brother later would be recruited by the army to be a scout and chart the movements and other information of the Host.
The graduates of the Sentinel program stood and marched in a single file line up to the stage. Balin stood in the middle of the 400. His ranking based on his academic prowess and credit. As each name was called, one their uniform and one to go over each graduate's armor, a piece of clothe with the Imperial Republic insignia was strapped on. The insignia consisted of two trees with a ring of stars with tower between the trees. He waited as best as he could. Patience wasn't one of Balin's stronger attributes. The line continued crawling as the Praetor Tamp called out each name in slow succession. He would strap the clothe over their shoulder and hand them another one. All followed by a firm handshake, or a hug. Members in the crowd would whoop and yell as a name was called out and again when the congratulations by the officials was over. Balin's mother and and younger sister were there to support him. Balin's friend and constant partner throughout the trials Vai stood behind him. Every couple names Vai would chuckle at the unfortunate soul the name belong too.Vai and Balin's exploits at the school were less than stellar and generally regarded as annoying. They met the second week of the program when forced together to solve a difficult situation managing a battle simulation.It wasn't their solution that made them friends but the enjoyment of causing difficulties for the other recruits.
The line grew shorter as the the dark blue uniforms disappeared one by one across the stage and reappeared back in the seats. Balin rocked back and forth in his shoes. The wait had dragged on enough for him. Soon the girl standing in front of him stepped onto stage and shook hands with the Praetor. Over the P.A system, Balin heard his name called. Walking calmly from the hard floors to the stage, he could see in the middle his sister and mother waving at him proudly. The school had been tough on all of them. With graduation, his family moved up a caste. They were in the low merchant class. With the graduation comes new honor and power to his family. Balin walked to the Praetor, saluted him and then shook his hand. The Praetor knew Balin well, often having chats with him and Vai after something had gone wrong at the school. None of the pranks ever were his idea, most originated with Vai and his idiotic roommate, whom didn't make it to the graduation. The Praetor strapped the leather across his chest and handed Balin the version for his armor. Balin waved calmly to his family as he walked off stage. One of the instructors, looked at him with a glare that normally would have frozen Balin's blood and a head shake to let him know that it was out of order.
Back at his seat, Balin congratulated the girl next to him quietly. She looked him in the eyes and smile and whisper back a congrats to him. The rest of the graduates proceeded without disruption through the ceremony. The Praetor, after awarding the last of the sashes, congratulated them all as group. Lauding them for being the future leaders and for making sacrifices unknown to others. Concluding his remarks, he reminded all the new members that it is the 11th year of the war, many have died as Sentinels, Legionaries, and as civilians but they will find a way to win the war. The crowd rose to its feet cheering and scream like a roar of a lion. The new Sentinels stood and saluted the Praetor. Following the salute, the 400 screamed to life and jumped up and congratulated one another. Balin found Vai quickly and exchanged a hug with him.
"You did it. I really doubted that you would stay in man!"
"Ha! I could have sworn you would have been the first to get kicked out for the shit you did!"
"Vai, you bastard. You were the ones always getting me into that shit. Either way, we made it through it. Ready to get some revenge?"
"Balin, you know how much I can't wait to kill me some of those tri-jaws. I'm gonna hang one up on my wall."
"I'm gonna get one of their dual swords for my apartment to hang up on my first leave."
Right then another Sentinel, a girl named Nami, grabbed Vai and hugged and kissed him. The two had been in a relationship for about six months. She was a fit girl who worked out constantly and regularly took parts in the sparring tournaments. Once she managed to win the entire tournament. Her medium length blond hair fell into her face as she jumped on his back and mushed to ran away.
Balin chuckled to himself as the two ran away. He pushed his way through the mass of armored sentinels, well-wishers and family of the graduates looking for his family. He smiled as he walked past friends and acquaintances, squeezing past groups of people. Balin saw his younger sister, Rital, standing on a chair looking for him in the sea of humanity. Raising his hand, he caught her attention making her jump up and down waving frantically in his direction. Balin increased his pace and hugged his sister. Looking into her purple eyes, Balin saw the excited she had for her future now and the pride she had from her brother being one of the elite.
"You gonna kill some of the Skepnans now Balin?"
Balin laughed and hugged her again. "We'll see I get my assignment tomorrow. I hope there still some fighting left to be down in Torra. Be nice to push the Host back some."
His mother came and gave him a kiss on the check. "We're proud of you getting through it. You are going to make a difference in the war without a doubt son."
Balin felt a hand fall on his shoulder and pull. Turning around, he faced the Praetor who was wearing his ceremonial armor, a steel plated suit with a gold embroidery and the Imperial Legion's symbol on the chest. Balin saluted quickly.
"At ease Balin. No need for formalities here, it's a time to celebrate your accomplishment. I must say I didn't think you had it in you with how much trouble you got yourself into." He threw in a wink at the end so Balin knew he was kidding.
"Any clue my assignment Praetor? Or at least which Legion I am to be to in?
"Sorry Balin, you'll find out tomorrow. I, myself, don't find out until later tonight." The Praetor gently put his hand on Balin's shoulder as he said this.
A legionnaire appeared next to the Praetor and saluted him and proceeded to hand him an electronic tablet. The Praetor's smile disappeared and was reformed as a frown. Looking at the tablet more, the Praetor nodded towards to the legionnaire, dismissing him.
"Excuse me, there is some urgent news I need to attend to. I'll be back shortly however."
Leaving them, Balin turned toward his family and gave them a hug again. "I'm really glad you two could make it out here. Was it difficult finding someone to cover the shop? Anyone heard about father?" Looking at his mother and sister, Balin's eyes glistened at the thought of his father. It was his father that had inspired him as a young boy to become a Sentinel. His father at a young age was recruited by the Legions to fight in the first offense of the Skepnan Host. His father was eventually promoted and moved into the Fourth Legion defending . As a sergeant, he lead a small platoon to attack a fortified position on the Torran front. Despite the heavy causalities, Balin's father broke through the position allowing the Fourth Legion to break the lines on their offensive. It had been over 3 lunar cycles since they had received a video message from him.
"Still nothing. I was hoping to hear something from him. We've been hearing that there has been a media blackout on any operation in the Torran province. Can you believe people actually believe there are humans assisting the Skepnans?"
"I hope he doing well. The video I've seen of the carnage the Skepnan cause are horrifying to say the least. Vai throw up after seeing one them."
"The media rarely show anything besides the results of battles. They tend to only show the corpses of the Skepnan warriors. They are ugly fuckers." His sister chimed at this point.
Balin knew only the carnage from the videos they watched. They had to watch videos from the commander's post of one battle and predict the battle shifts and movements. In the videos they watched as the commander failed, and the forward lines of the Legions were slaughtered. Body parts flew into the camera at one point from the brutality when one legionnaire is torn apart. Arms, legs, and heads ripped or cut off. After the three years of academy, every sentinel had become accustomed to the carnage, unfazed by any anything the battlefield may throw at them. Many of the past Sentinels spoke to the future group about the effectiveness about this model as it allowed them to block out the battle's horrors and atrocities. Often though, many other legionnaires reported that this created less compassion and sympathy in some Sentinels for the soldiers in their unit. The videos and simulations the Sentinels were put through focused on molding them into effective killers in combat, which they did with some unfortunate side effects for many of the participants.
Balin asked his family if they wanted anything to drink and his mother requested a water. Walking over to the table with the refreshments on it, he overheard some other graduates talking.
"I heard one of the teachers talking about how they plan to move the Last Legion away from the city. It has only been once moved in its entire history!' A short stout bearded one shouted.
"Calm down. There is still the Second Command and the Fourth is made of entirely of the warrior caste of Torra. I've seen some of them fight, complete maniacs but effective." a taller girl with brown hair responded.
Balin finished making his way to the table. It was a standard refreshment table for these sorts of gathering, different types of fruits and vegetables on platters, breads and cheeses combined in some fashion, and the occasional meat slices. Picking up a small cup for his mother, he filled it with some ice in a nearby bowl while keeping his ears on the nearby conversations.
"I'm telling you man. The best girls were in Zoziah! You ever seen some of those refugees? Sexy."
"No way man. Deskota girls are the cutest. We've been to Yah'nom Beach and you've seen it with your own eyes."
Balin chuckled to himself. He had a fair share of girl friends during his training and his years at the academy. A couple of these friends he had grown close to and with one had a relationship with. Balin wasn't one of the types that ran around trying to get physical with every woman he possibly could. He wasn't either the type a guy who was above checking girls out and flirting with them. His luck typically stayed on the side of trying but not successful. He currently had the hots for a girl in her second year at the academy named Nalar'sha. He had met the petite yet ferocious girl during a time at the gym practicing his sparring. She had been watching him from the side and ever so flirting with him; it was a trick as he had been sparring with her friend. With her flirting, it allowed her friend to get the edge on a distracted Balin and win. Balin ever since then tried his best to talk with her but his nerves with girls always fell a little short of his wishes.
Returning back to his family, he handed his mother the water. She thanked him as she took a sip. The air was full of shouting, laughing and talking as the graduates and families rejoiced with each other.
"Attention everyone. I want to share this with you before the media broadcasts it in ten minutes," Praetor Tamp's voice boomed over the P.A. "We just received this video from a field outpost stationed on the far side of Torra, in regards to the Fourth Legions attempts at protecting Tor from the Skepnan Host. What you are about to see for some is a common sight and one that will become more common in the days to come, others, I strongly urge you to not watch the video."
The lights in the room dimmed as the screen lit up, on the screen showed three Sentinels their armor broken and blood stained. A female voice came over, "This is Lieutenant Commander Li'Bet reporting from the gate's of Tor." The camera swung up to show the gates of the city cracked and ripped open as parks flew from wires. Bodies of both the Imperial Legion and Skepnan lay strewed across the ground, the camera continued to pan around before coming back to focus on the Li'Bet with Tor a conflagration in the background. "As you can see sir, the Fourth Legion has been completely destroyed as well as Tor. We haven't received any word on survivors. However, we do believe it was a 100% fatal casualty battle. We don't have any idea when the battle actually took place, estimates range at around one lunar cycle." A yell came for them to move out of the way. The camera swung around to catch a large concrete and stone piece of the wall's defenses crashing down as dust and rubble fly in every direction. Two Skepnan warriors appear in the camera's view, as their mouth hiss and click their weird language. The two humans not with the camera charged the beasts as the transmission faded out.
(Author's note: I am aware of the possiblity of mistakes, should you find any let me know or any feedback would be great too.)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Life. Love. Works in Progress.
"Hello blog"
"Hello Chris."
"Umm. Its been a while."
"Yeah it has. Where have you been? With another blog probably!"
"I promise it wasn't like that at all Blog!"
"Go Fuck yourself Chris! I know you and your blog changing ways!"
"Blog, I promise you are the only blog for me ever. I was busy with things. I promise it won't happen again."
"You better not otherwise there won't be a blog to come back to."
I'm back writing on the blog after a month or so hiatus. A fun month it was. I moved, I worked, Emmy got a job. Busy busy busy. Life life life. I'm very happy about Emmy getting a job. A great one at that. She earned it without a doubt. She's doing graphic work for the AFL-CIO. So feel free to call me a socialist or a liberal. It has been a tough week for her, finding a car and getting all the paper work for the jobs and other related items. I wish I was there to take some of the pressure off her. But with the job, come December I should be able to drive out there and we can start living together.
Summer has been anti-climatic with little happening; I've been forced to play lots of games and do a lot of writing when I haven't been working or other such activities. I have been hoping my teachers will contact me with something to do but nothing so far. Blerg.
In my own writing realm, as much I liked my Zelda/Link story, it wasn't a Chris original. It was original in the sense I wrote it and was part of the creator of the whole idea. However, it still remained someone else's world and ideas that I had to shape my story around. It was a fun exercise and I learned a lot by practicing it. Maybe someday I'll return and finish it, I don't think now is the time for me to work on a story I haven't created.
It is on that note that I announce on my blog my new story currently lacking a name at the moment. So I will refer to it as a code name, Taco Stand Love. In this new, completely original piece I will be sticking to a realm I feel comfortable in, Sci Fi and Fantasy. Though my story is what some "experts" would call Science Fantasy, which I respond with a nice "FUCK YOU!" The theme of the story exploring the relationship between justice vs mercy in context of revenge with the backdrop of a war. For your reading pleasure, I will now provide a short synopsis of my story.
So a lot of my story breaks out a traditional format so it takes a bit more explanation than most stories of it type. It is a set in the continent of the Rokeeter. It is the first civilization to appear on continent and after 500 years the land is united under one government: The Imperial Republic of Deskota. The civilization is advanced with technologies and such that surpass our current levels, in ways. Several technologies were never invented/discovered such as cars and guns, so they continue to use other forms. Travel to other cities is made possible through Mag trains and such since combustion isn't necessary.
As in most fantasy there is a mix of magic, in Taco Stand Love there is no exception. However, I have a strong dislike for magic so this has impacted how magic is used in the story. Magical people are known as mana wielders and since it has only been in the past 50 years in story that magic has appeared (think if somehow magic appeared in our world) most are treated with suspicion and as terrorists. Mana wielders are between sorcerers and benders from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
In the time before the story starts the Imperial Republic has been at war for years with the Skepnan Host. The war has been going slowly for the humans against the creatures but have managed to prevent them from taking 3 of the provinces.
The story focuses on a special type of Imperial Legionnaire known a Republic Crusader named Balin. It is at the beginning of his graduation and start of his military service that the story begins. His first assignment is to be the commander of a garrison of the city of Thyro which is soon to be assualted by the Skepnan forces. It is here that Balin comes to the crossroads of his destiny.
My story in a nutshell so far. I'm on chapter four and pretty excited. If I could have a dream come true I'd see it as a one book or a two book series. Followed by a video game, an rpg, set 200-300 later and finally a movie.
And to dork everyone out this is the character inspiration I'm using for the armor for Balin.
"Hello Chris."
"Umm. Its been a while."
"Yeah it has. Where have you been? With another blog probably!"
"I promise it wasn't like that at all Blog!"
"Go Fuck yourself Chris! I know you and your blog changing ways!"
"Blog, I promise you are the only blog for me ever. I was busy with things. I promise it won't happen again."
"You better not otherwise there won't be a blog to come back to."
I'm back writing on the blog after a month or so hiatus. A fun month it was. I moved, I worked, Emmy got a job. Busy busy busy. Life life life. I'm very happy about Emmy getting a job. A great one at that. She earned it without a doubt. She's doing graphic work for the AFL-CIO. So feel free to call me a socialist or a liberal. It has been a tough week for her, finding a car and getting all the paper work for the jobs and other related items. I wish I was there to take some of the pressure off her. But with the job, come December I should be able to drive out there and we can start living together.
Summer has been anti-climatic with little happening; I've been forced to play lots of games and do a lot of writing when I haven't been working or other such activities. I have been hoping my teachers will contact me with something to do but nothing so far. Blerg.
In my own writing realm, as much I liked my Zelda/Link story, it wasn't a Chris original. It was original in the sense I wrote it and was part of the creator of the whole idea. However, it still remained someone else's world and ideas that I had to shape my story around. It was a fun exercise and I learned a lot by practicing it. Maybe someday I'll return and finish it, I don't think now is the time for me to work on a story I haven't created.
It is on that note that I announce on my blog my new story currently lacking a name at the moment. So I will refer to it as a code name, Taco Stand Love. In this new, completely original piece I will be sticking to a realm I feel comfortable in, Sci Fi and Fantasy. Though my story is what some "experts" would call Science Fantasy, which I respond with a nice "FUCK YOU!" The theme of the story exploring the relationship between justice vs mercy in context of revenge with the backdrop of a war. For your reading pleasure, I will now provide a short synopsis of my story.
So a lot of my story breaks out a traditional format so it takes a bit more explanation than most stories of it type. It is a set in the continent of the Rokeeter. It is the first civilization to appear on continent and after 500 years the land is united under one government: The Imperial Republic of Deskota. The civilization is advanced with technologies and such that surpass our current levels, in ways. Several technologies were never invented/discovered such as cars and guns, so they continue to use other forms. Travel to other cities is made possible through Mag trains and such since combustion isn't necessary.
As in most fantasy there is a mix of magic, in Taco Stand Love there is no exception. However, I have a strong dislike for magic so this has impacted how magic is used in the story. Magical people are known as mana wielders and since it has only been in the past 50 years in story that magic has appeared (think if somehow magic appeared in our world) most are treated with suspicion and as terrorists. Mana wielders are between sorcerers and benders from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
In the time before the story starts the Imperial Republic has been at war for years with the Skepnan Host. The war has been going slowly for the humans against the creatures but have managed to prevent them from taking 3 of the provinces.
The story focuses on a special type of Imperial Legionnaire known a Republic Crusader named Balin. It is at the beginning of his graduation and start of his military service that the story begins. His first assignment is to be the commander of a garrison of the city of Thyro which is soon to be assualted by the Skepnan forces. It is here that Balin comes to the crossroads of his destiny.
My story in a nutshell so far. I'm on chapter four and pretty excited. If I could have a dream come true I'd see it as a one book or a two book series. Followed by a video game, an rpg, set 200-300 later and finally a movie.
And to dork everyone out this is the character inspiration I'm using for the armor for Balin.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Act 1 Scene 5 "Hero of Time"
The moonless night sky gave Link little inclination of knowing where to go. Secretly, he had hoped for the old man to offer him a place to stay. However, Link understood the fear for one's safety all too well, often in the past ten years forcing him to adopt uncanny sleeping arrangements. Link hoisted his belongings onto his shoulders, looking inland. The destruction and remains of the buildings looked monstrous with only the star light defining their thick hideious shells. Link cautious stepped forward and examined around the corner. Observing only the darkness, Link crouched as he calculated his plan.
"I can't see anything. I could get a torch or camp here for the night but that may attract unwanted attention. Not only to myself but to the old man's presence. I need to be careful. Who knows what creatures and monsters Ganon has."
Link peered over more time around the corner. He spotted what he assumed was the edge of another building. He took a deep breathe and ran breaking the cover of the corner. In Link's mind the distance counted down until his body collided with thud against the crumbling bricks of the building. The impact stunned Link for a little bit. His eyes darted back and forth searching for the next location. He spotted a large broken brick section of a roof that slid off. It was a fair distance away presenting Link a dilemma.
"I can run but that will create a lot of noise or I can approach slowly but quietly."
He lowered himself down and venturing his head around to do a quick scan. Nothing. He braced himself and sprinted towards the decaying roof section.
The sound of his boots echoed through the streets. His shield and sword clinked rattled and smacked into each other and himself. The debris under his boots snapped and crumbled. Link focused on the roof section and his breathing as body sprinted closer. He slowed down as he came within a few meters of the rumble. Link breathed deep and looked around the corner, he could barely make out the forest outline that lay out in front of him. Scanning around both behind him and above, he checked for any of Ganon's monsters or other creatures that pose a threat.
"Nothing I can see. Not that there is much to see without any light. I should be safe in the forest a little off the road. I just need to remain quiet. I'll need to get all my old equipment before I continue any further. I need to find someone who can told me more of the current situation. Better move out while I can be reasonable sure it is safe."
Link stepped out quietly and headed for the forest's edge. The distance from the ruins to the forest left Link open; however, The dark night masked any sight of Link once he stepped inside the forest. He removed the Master sword from its scabbard, Link kept to the tree line barely in sight of the road. The forest's thick mossy underbrush muffled each step as Link gracefully sneaked through the trees. A salty sea wind blew through the trees, Link stopped short of a tree, taking in a deep breathe. This would be the last time he would breath in fresh clean air. The air when Ganon took over was always a bitter sour air that stuck to his tongue and stunk of decay. Fatigue quickly set into Link with the fresh air reminding him that he had been awake since early in the morning. His stiff back ached with the weight of the shield and his other supplies. Link slipped his pack off and stretched out his back. Link's body slide down to the ground, the soft moss cushioning his back and head. Staring up at the shifting leaves in the wind, Link closed his eyes to drift off into sleep.
"I wonder how many more nights like this I will have before the horror and strain of fighting Ganon again."
Slowly Link's sense became oblivious to the world as sleep crept upon him.
A sudden crash broke sleep's hold over Link. He jumped up with his sword in the hand. Quickly scanning around he didn't see an immediate threat. Another crash gave him a direction to look. Glancing, he caught a tree falling onto the path. He rolled behind a tree to catch in his sight several human figures running and leaping over the tree. Muffled voices appeared within seconds. Link hoisted his shield to his arm and followed the figures over the trees. Link followed the sounds of the voices into a clear opening. Link stopped at the sight before him.
A dozen lizalfos fought against about 10 humans. The battle appeared to be going poorly for the humans with about 10 more on the ground dead or wounded. The shrill cries of lizalfos pierced the screams of the dying humans, their bodies staining the ground. Link took a second to steady himself before charging into the fray with the sword raised high and shield close to his chest. By the time he reached the battle, the ten had been reduced to four, three men and one woman. Link took the closest lizalfo to the woman coming behind it. It was caught completely unaware of Link's presence until the blade of the Master Sword eviscerated it. The woman was startled by the quick appearance of a new man and his quick kill of the lizalfo. Link tumbled past the woman and leapt into the air slicing another one's head in half before the others could register Link's quick entrance into the battle.
The remaining lizalfos concentrated on the new assailant in the fray. Two moved from behind Link to flank as another two approached from the front. One cared two small swords and the other carried a large mace. Unaware of the flanking lizalfos, Link crouched down and shielded himself from the advancing lizalfos. One lizalfos stepped forward and swung its swords at Link. He threw his shield up, blocking one of the swords and using his swords to parry the other blade. With in a second, the other lizalfo in front attempted to pummel Link the head. Tumbling to the side, Link dodged the mace blew intended for him. As he recovered, Link focused all as energy into his sword. The blade began to glow and reverberated in his hands. The lizalfos unsure of the blade and the magic being used approached quickly to strike down an easy target in their mind.
Link twirled as the magic and blade cut through the air and the reckless lizalfos. The four attackers had their stomachs split open, the blood gushing out as they clutched their wounds before collapsing to the ground dead. The last of the lizalfos quickly reevaluated the new opponent.
Letting out their sharp piercing cry, the four lizalfos bounded back away from the remains of their group mates and the powerful fighter. Link recovered from the attack and threw his shield up to protect his torso. He quickly sided stepped around. The remaining humans backed away and gathered together as they watched in silence the new man slay the lizalfos with ease.
Two lizalfos felt brave and lucky strode near Link with their swords ready. With their swagger, they leaped towards Link thrusting their swords at him, forcing Link to dunk and tumble. They continued to swing and flourish their swords at Link as he blocked each attempt. Link continued to use his shield as a cover as he waited for the right moment to make his move. The blades of the lizalfos clashed against the shield, clanging and banging. Link shift to the side bit by bit as he tightened the muscles in his legs from his anticipated jump. The lizalfo's relentless assault began to wear themselves thin. Fatigue set in on their attack as they slowed down. As one swung its sword, its footing slipped enough that it missed Link's shield completely. Seizing the opportunity, Link tumbled out and around leaping into the air. His sword slit the back of the lizalfo and severed the spinal cord. The body crumpled with a thud to the ground in a heap as blood soaked into the ground. The two lizalfo staying out of the fray bull-rushed Link knocking him prone on the ground.
The three lizalfos circled Link as he gathered himself together and righted himself. Standing tall, he tumbled towards the nearest one and slammed his shield into its face. Blood poured down its face from the broken nose, the lizalfo screamed. Link grabbed onto the leather strap on its chest, and plunged the Master Sword deep into the gut. He twisted the sword and pulled it out kicking the lizalfo into the other two. The force of the impact bulled the remaining two over. Seizing the opportunity to end the battle quickly Link pounced on the two. The blade cut off the heads with ease.
Link wiped the blade off on a piece of cloth and sheathed the sword. Turning around, the four humans stood frozen from in the rapid and daring display of bravery and sword prowess. The girl human approached cautiously.
"Thank you sir. May I ask to whom I am speaking to?"
"LINK! You are alive. I thought you were dead after all these years. You saved us from Ganon all those years ago.I know you can do it again."
"Thanks. How do you know though?"
"Its me, Link. Malon. Remember I taught you my mom's song Epona loves. Lon Lon Ranch?You do remember don't you?"
Link's face lowered at the sound of Epona's name.His eyes started to swell as he lowered himself to the ground. His body weak from the battle and the mention of his horse destroyed his mental resolve.
Malon crouched beside him and hugged him close to her chest. His tears streamed down his cheeks.
"I'm so sorry Link," she said holding his head and kissing the top.
Link wiped his tears away, and mustered a "it's ok." He hoisted himself up from the ground within minutes of the emotion breakdown saying nothing to Malon as he did. Link harnessed his shield back on his shield ignoring all those around him. Malon sat on the ground staring at Link wondering what happened to him to make him so hardened.
She thought back to the memory of the young boy she met seventeen years ago. On the outskirts of Hyrule castle as she waited for her father to delivery some milk. He had fallen asleep and Link came to the castle just in time. She found out latter that he had a cucco and used that to wake her napping father. Later, Link appeared at her father's ranch. The look in Link's eyes was one of determination and caring for the world he sought to save. Years later, she would recognize that look in the eyes of a young man who saved her father's ranch from Ingo and rode Epona out. This man, while sharing the looks and physical characteristics of the boy and young man, was different. Hardened and grizzled, Link had lost that part that made him seem incredible.
"Thank you for showing up and helping us when you did Link. We would have died without you. It was incredible what you did. Thank you so much."
She gave him a hug. Link stood emotionless, making no attempt to reciprocate the gesture. He turned away after she let go of him.
"Where is your camp? I'll escort you there make sure nothing happens to you." Link asked her.
"It is about a mile to the west from here. I'll lead you there."
She turned without a sound and began to stroll westward. Link followed her close behind.
"How have you been Malon?"
"Life was going well until a while ago. I'm sure you know all too well what has happened here. Where you have been?"
Link stopped and brow furrowed. "I've been away. Much longer than I planned for."
"Where did you go? You must have some interesting tales to tell; How long have you been fighting Ganon? Are you going to fight him now?" Malon bounced as she finished.
Link looked her directly in her eyes, "I just arrived today. I barely learned about Ganon today. I'm not ready for Ganon. Let the shock settle first!"
He glared hard at her as she turned around and stormed west as she thought to herself.
"What happened to him. He was so nice all those years ago. Now he is rude and emotionally a wreck. He did a complete turn from sad to angry."
The rest of the walk continued in silence except for the private thoughts of everyone walking. They reached the camp within minutes of the battle. A small remains of a fire smoldered quietly with the red glow of the embers providing the only indication that a camp existed.
"I can't see anything. I could get a torch or camp here for the night but that may attract unwanted attention. Not only to myself but to the old man's presence. I need to be careful. Who knows what creatures and monsters Ganon has."
Link peered over more time around the corner. He spotted what he assumed was the edge of another building. He took a deep breathe and ran breaking the cover of the corner. In Link's mind the distance counted down until his body collided with thud against the crumbling bricks of the building. The impact stunned Link for a little bit. His eyes darted back and forth searching for the next location. He spotted a large broken brick section of a roof that slid off. It was a fair distance away presenting Link a dilemma.
"I can run but that will create a lot of noise or I can approach slowly but quietly."
He lowered himself down and venturing his head around to do a quick scan. Nothing. He braced himself and sprinted towards the decaying roof section.
The sound of his boots echoed through the streets. His shield and sword clinked rattled and smacked into each other and himself. The debris under his boots snapped and crumbled. Link focused on the roof section and his breathing as body sprinted closer. He slowed down as he came within a few meters of the rumble. Link breathed deep and looked around the corner, he could barely make out the forest outline that lay out in front of him. Scanning around both behind him and above, he checked for any of Ganon's monsters or other creatures that pose a threat.
"Nothing I can see. Not that there is much to see without any light. I should be safe in the forest a little off the road. I just need to remain quiet. I'll need to get all my old equipment before I continue any further. I need to find someone who can told me more of the current situation. Better move out while I can be reasonable sure it is safe."
Link stepped out quietly and headed for the forest's edge. The distance from the ruins to the forest left Link open; however, The dark night masked any sight of Link once he stepped inside the forest. He removed the Master sword from its scabbard, Link kept to the tree line barely in sight of the road. The forest's thick mossy underbrush muffled each step as Link gracefully sneaked through the trees. A salty sea wind blew through the trees, Link stopped short of a tree, taking in a deep breathe. This would be the last time he would breath in fresh clean air. The air when Ganon took over was always a bitter sour air that stuck to his tongue and stunk of decay. Fatigue quickly set into Link with the fresh air reminding him that he had been awake since early in the morning. His stiff back ached with the weight of the shield and his other supplies. Link slipped his pack off and stretched out his back. Link's body slide down to the ground, the soft moss cushioning his back and head. Staring up at the shifting leaves in the wind, Link closed his eyes to drift off into sleep.
"I wonder how many more nights like this I will have before the horror and strain of fighting Ganon again."
Slowly Link's sense became oblivious to the world as sleep crept upon him.
A sudden crash broke sleep's hold over Link. He jumped up with his sword in the hand. Quickly scanning around he didn't see an immediate threat. Another crash gave him a direction to look. Glancing, he caught a tree falling onto the path. He rolled behind a tree to catch in his sight several human figures running and leaping over the tree. Muffled voices appeared within seconds. Link hoisted his shield to his arm and followed the figures over the trees. Link followed the sounds of the voices into a clear opening. Link stopped at the sight before him.
A dozen lizalfos fought against about 10 humans. The battle appeared to be going poorly for the humans with about 10 more on the ground dead or wounded. The shrill cries of lizalfos pierced the screams of the dying humans, their bodies staining the ground. Link took a second to steady himself before charging into the fray with the sword raised high and shield close to his chest. By the time he reached the battle, the ten had been reduced to four, three men and one woman. Link took the closest lizalfo to the woman coming behind it. It was caught completely unaware of Link's presence until the blade of the Master Sword eviscerated it. The woman was startled by the quick appearance of a new man and his quick kill of the lizalfo. Link tumbled past the woman and leapt into the air slicing another one's head in half before the others could register Link's quick entrance into the battle.
The remaining lizalfos concentrated on the new assailant in the fray. Two moved from behind Link to flank as another two approached from the front. One cared two small swords and the other carried a large mace. Unaware of the flanking lizalfos, Link crouched down and shielded himself from the advancing lizalfos. One lizalfos stepped forward and swung its swords at Link. He threw his shield up, blocking one of the swords and using his swords to parry the other blade. With in a second, the other lizalfo in front attempted to pummel Link the head. Tumbling to the side, Link dodged the mace blew intended for him. As he recovered, Link focused all as energy into his sword. The blade began to glow and reverberated in his hands. The lizalfos unsure of the blade and the magic being used approached quickly to strike down an easy target in their mind.
Link twirled as the magic and blade cut through the air and the reckless lizalfos. The four attackers had their stomachs split open, the blood gushing out as they clutched their wounds before collapsing to the ground dead. The last of the lizalfos quickly reevaluated the new opponent.
Letting out their sharp piercing cry, the four lizalfos bounded back away from the remains of their group mates and the powerful fighter. Link recovered from the attack and threw his shield up to protect his torso. He quickly sided stepped around. The remaining humans backed away and gathered together as they watched in silence the new man slay the lizalfos with ease.
Two lizalfos felt brave and lucky strode near Link with their swords ready. With their swagger, they leaped towards Link thrusting their swords at him, forcing Link to dunk and tumble. They continued to swing and flourish their swords at Link as he blocked each attempt. Link continued to use his shield as a cover as he waited for the right moment to make his move. The blades of the lizalfos clashed against the shield, clanging and banging. Link shift to the side bit by bit as he tightened the muscles in his legs from his anticipated jump. The lizalfo's relentless assault began to wear themselves thin. Fatigue set in on their attack as they slowed down. As one swung its sword, its footing slipped enough that it missed Link's shield completely. Seizing the opportunity, Link tumbled out and around leaping into the air. His sword slit the back of the lizalfo and severed the spinal cord. The body crumpled with a thud to the ground in a heap as blood soaked into the ground. The two lizalfo staying out of the fray bull-rushed Link knocking him prone on the ground.
The three lizalfos circled Link as he gathered himself together and righted himself. Standing tall, he tumbled towards the nearest one and slammed his shield into its face. Blood poured down its face from the broken nose, the lizalfo screamed. Link grabbed onto the leather strap on its chest, and plunged the Master Sword deep into the gut. He twisted the sword and pulled it out kicking the lizalfo into the other two. The force of the impact bulled the remaining two over. Seizing the opportunity to end the battle quickly Link pounced on the two. The blade cut off the heads with ease.
Link wiped the blade off on a piece of cloth and sheathed the sword. Turning around, the four humans stood frozen from in the rapid and daring display of bravery and sword prowess. The girl human approached cautiously.
"Thank you sir. May I ask to whom I am speaking to?"
"LINK! You are alive. I thought you were dead after all these years. You saved us from Ganon all those years ago.I know you can do it again."
"Thanks. How do you know though?"
"Its me, Link. Malon. Remember I taught you my mom's song Epona loves. Lon Lon Ranch?You do remember don't you?"
Link's face lowered at the sound of Epona's name.His eyes started to swell as he lowered himself to the ground. His body weak from the battle and the mention of his horse destroyed his mental resolve.
Malon crouched beside him and hugged him close to her chest. His tears streamed down his cheeks.
"I'm so sorry Link," she said holding his head and kissing the top.
Link wiped his tears away, and mustered a "it's ok." He hoisted himself up from the ground within minutes of the emotion breakdown saying nothing to Malon as he did. Link harnessed his shield back on his shield ignoring all those around him. Malon sat on the ground staring at Link wondering what happened to him to make him so hardened.
She thought back to the memory of the young boy she met seventeen years ago. On the outskirts of Hyrule castle as she waited for her father to delivery some milk. He had fallen asleep and Link came to the castle just in time. She found out latter that he had a cucco and used that to wake her napping father. Later, Link appeared at her father's ranch. The look in Link's eyes was one of determination and caring for the world he sought to save. Years later, she would recognize that look in the eyes of a young man who saved her father's ranch from Ingo and rode Epona out. This man, while sharing the looks and physical characteristics of the boy and young man, was different. Hardened and grizzled, Link had lost that part that made him seem incredible.
"Thank you for showing up and helping us when you did Link. We would have died without you. It was incredible what you did. Thank you so much."
She gave him a hug. Link stood emotionless, making no attempt to reciprocate the gesture. He turned away after she let go of him.
"Where is your camp? I'll escort you there make sure nothing happens to you." Link asked her.
"It is about a mile to the west from here. I'll lead you there."
She turned without a sound and began to stroll westward. Link followed her close behind.
"How have you been Malon?"
"Life was going well until a while ago. I'm sure you know all too well what has happened here. Where you have been?"
Link stopped and brow furrowed. "I've been away. Much longer than I planned for."
"Where did you go? You must have some interesting tales to tell; How long have you been fighting Ganon? Are you going to fight him now?" Malon bounced as she finished.
Link looked her directly in her eyes, "I just arrived today. I barely learned about Ganon today. I'm not ready for Ganon. Let the shock settle first!"
He glared hard at her as she turned around and stormed west as she thought to herself.
"What happened to him. He was so nice all those years ago. Now he is rude and emotionally a wreck. He did a complete turn from sad to angry."
The rest of the walk continued in silence except for the private thoughts of everyone walking. They reached the camp within minutes of the battle. A small remains of a fire smoldered quietly with the red glow of the embers providing the only indication that a camp existed.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Act 1 Scene 4 "Hero of Time"
Link started to breathe and gain an awareness of his current location. The man with the deformed leg was still there but his face looked less fearful and more concerned.
"I don't think you are with Ganon at all; you have a bad reaction to the name. Are you alright son?"
Link opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He continued to stare at the man for another minute before tell him that he'd be alright. Link struggled to get up before the man gave Link his hand to help him. Link smiled softly at him, his lips cracking by the movement. The man stood by Link, dwarfed by the size of Link no longer afraid told him to follow him where they can talk if Link wanted to. Link sheathed his sword and holstered his shield on his back. Link stared at the man before starting to follow him. It took ten minutes before the two arrived at a small building with one side collapsed forming a small overhang. The old man crawled underneath the overhang into the darkness. Link followed suite and crawled underneath the rubble of the building. In the cramped confines of the tunnel, Link managed to make out the figure of the man dragging himself along. The tunnel wasn't made for Link's frame, which encompassed much of the tunnel forcing him to suck in his gut. This didn't save him from the scrapes and cuts from roots and old debris in the tunnel. Link emerged from the tunnel bleeding from his hands, knees and faces covered in dirt.
The man sat on a small ratty brown mat around a small fire. The smoke escaped from a small opening in the short hut's ceiling. The man motioned for Link to join him around the fire, which he did. He set his pack on the ground yet keep the shield and sword close. The interior was small and dirty with small clay pots strewn around the the dirt floor. The walls consisted of roughly hewed rock burned from whatever catastrophe had befallen the port town. The in the corner was a dripping noise, Link surmised it was the man's source of water for his house.
"Sorry to have surprised you son. It seems like you really lost yourself when I said that name. You have the look of a foreigner. I think if you were from Hyrule you would know better than to be out by yourself even if you are armed.You must have been in Hyrule before 10 years ago. Weren't you?"
Link just nodded his head taking in the rest of the room. There were some pots on a shelf nearby and some crates. Behind the crates, straw was laid down for the man's bed. Link looked at the worn master sword; taking the scabbard off his back, he stretched out a bit. The old man continued talking.
"I think 10 years ago when Ganon was defeated, some young boy did it. And I think the Princess Zelda was there too. He left shortly after that. Kinda wish he stuck around. Ganon came back only a couple years ago. His wraith was pretty terrible. He has people searching far and wide for the boy. I think the boy's name was Link."
Link's mind flashed back to the final battle. 10 years ago in the ruins of Ganon's castle. Link thought Ganon was already dead after the first fight. The heat from the wall of fire caused Link's clothes to stick to his skin; the difficulty breathing he had from the heat and dust.After what seemed like hours, Zelda channeled the power of the Sages allowing Link to kill Ganondorf. Well, he had thought that. Apparently, Ganon, the King of Gerudos had come back while he was away in other countries fighting evil there. Link had assumed that Ganon was dead. He would haven't left Hyrule if he knew that was the case. He imaged himself possibly having a family.
Link's mind slowly came back to the present. The old man remained there across the fire smiling a toothless grin. The old man stood up quietly and went to the back of his home and opened a pot. Pulling out a pale crusty piece of bread, he walked back to Link. He softly set the bread in Link's lap and walked back to his ragged mat across the fire. Link quietly stared at the bread before picking it up and taking a bit, his teeth scrapping against the crust knocking crumbs onto his tunic. The bread tasted sour and made Link gag slightly when he swallowed it. After eating the rest of the sour bread, Link looked across the small fire flitting around the wood.
"My name is Link. I used to live in the Kokiri Village a long time ago about 17 years ago."
The man sat undisturbed by Link's comment. The old man's lips curled up.
"Nice to meet you Link. I thought the Kokiri people stayed young. Or they did when they were still alive. Slaughtered by Ganon when he was resurrected. Tell me Link, where have you been?"
Link stood up and dusted off his ripped, stained tunic. He took a deep breathe exhaling slowly before commenting, "I've been travelling around the world. I fought cartels, bandit leaders, and all other types of people.After leaving Hyrule 10 years ago I swore I would always fight injustice where ever I could find it. Or so I thought."
The old man didn't seemed phased by Link's comment. "I see. Well you certainly look the part of a warrior. You've been gone for a long time. Let me let you in on what's occurred over the past couple of years."
The old man's face took a grave look as he began the long winding tale of Link's past adventures as a boy and older when he defeated Ganon. Link smile to himself at certain points knowing of the old man's version were incorrect. The boy in the story didn't disappear for seven years to study martial arts in the desert with a hermit. Nor did his horse, Epona, have the magic ability to fly. After the events that he participated in, Link leaned forward and sought to understand every word coming out of the old man's toothless mouth.
"The boy disappeared shortly after Ganon laid dead on the ground. The only other person who knew what exactly happened to him was Princess Zelda. She hasn't told a soul however. Some said he went back to the desert to continue to train but never made it. Regardless of his fate, the story continues. The kingdom began to rebuild and the people returned. Castle Town was cleared of all the zombies things, redeads I think they were called by people. It was really close to being back to normal, although it would never be the same as a giant hole was there rather than the beautiful castle. I miss the castle."
The man paused a second and closed his eyes tight. Link could see the man's eyes water up as tears began to travel down his dirty cheek. The man steadied himself and took a deep breath, resuming the story with his voice shaky.
"2 years ago, I heard rumors that Ganon had returned. Hyrule was on the verge of being back to normal. I, people, no one took the rumors seriously. We figured the boy who saved us last time would be there to save us again. We were wrong. Ganon's revenge was brutal. He annihilated populations without remorse.My family was in Castle Town where he first appeared. Now, it, is..."
The old man sobs froze Link. He was clueless what to do and how to help this old man. Years of fighting had detached Link emotionally; he didn't know what to do. He stared at the old man sobbing profusely.Remember seeing something on a travel five years ago where a father comforted a boy, Link stood up without a noise, pulled out a small clothe piece from a pouch. He squatted next to the man while putting his hand on the man's shoulder handed the piece to him to wipe his tears.
"Thank. You." was said between deep breaths.
Link crossed back to his spot. The man wiped his eyes and blew his nose. After a minute of breathing he resume the tale.
"Ganon next attacked the Gorons and the Zoras. Few have survived, many people have been forced into work camps to make monuments to him. I was in a camp for six months before I managed to escape. This port town has hidden me since. In the last year and a half I have seen three people and hundreds of Ganon's minions. Yet all of them came from inland. Which brings me to you. You are the only person in all the time I've been here to get off a boat. Why did you come here?"
The man's face looked grave. Link knew he needed to answer the man who had been kind to him. Yet he knew he didn't want to give away who he was or more accurately, who he had been. Link opened his mouth to speak but paused before a word was formed in his mouth. He paused a bit. Staring at the fire, he spoke.
"I came home to rest after leaving ten years ago. I had fought long and hard here and wanted to help others in distance lands. I did so but at a price."
The man nodded quietly. The man wobbled to his feet and approached Link.
"I will give you some food and water. But son, its best you not stay here. I fear you are needed somewhere besides the ruins here. Somewhere you might do some good."
With that the man, gathered some small scraps of food and a waterskin for Link and sent him back through the hole to the outside where it had grown dark.
"I don't think you are with Ganon at all; you have a bad reaction to the name. Are you alright son?"
Link opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He continued to stare at the man for another minute before tell him that he'd be alright. Link struggled to get up before the man gave Link his hand to help him. Link smiled softly at him, his lips cracking by the movement. The man stood by Link, dwarfed by the size of Link no longer afraid told him to follow him where they can talk if Link wanted to. Link sheathed his sword and holstered his shield on his back. Link stared at the man before starting to follow him. It took ten minutes before the two arrived at a small building with one side collapsed forming a small overhang. The old man crawled underneath the overhang into the darkness. Link followed suite and crawled underneath the rubble of the building. In the cramped confines of the tunnel, Link managed to make out the figure of the man dragging himself along. The tunnel wasn't made for Link's frame, which encompassed much of the tunnel forcing him to suck in his gut. This didn't save him from the scrapes and cuts from roots and old debris in the tunnel. Link emerged from the tunnel bleeding from his hands, knees and faces covered in dirt.
The man sat on a small ratty brown mat around a small fire. The smoke escaped from a small opening in the short hut's ceiling. The man motioned for Link to join him around the fire, which he did. He set his pack on the ground yet keep the shield and sword close. The interior was small and dirty with small clay pots strewn around the the dirt floor. The walls consisted of roughly hewed rock burned from whatever catastrophe had befallen the port town. The in the corner was a dripping noise, Link surmised it was the man's source of water for his house.
"Sorry to have surprised you son. It seems like you really lost yourself when I said that name. You have the look of a foreigner. I think if you were from Hyrule you would know better than to be out by yourself even if you are armed.You must have been in Hyrule before 10 years ago. Weren't you?"
Link just nodded his head taking in the rest of the room. There were some pots on a shelf nearby and some crates. Behind the crates, straw was laid down for the man's bed. Link looked at the worn master sword; taking the scabbard off his back, he stretched out a bit. The old man continued talking.
"I think 10 years ago when Ganon was defeated, some young boy did it. And I think the Princess Zelda was there too. He left shortly after that. Kinda wish he stuck around. Ganon came back only a couple years ago. His wraith was pretty terrible. He has people searching far and wide for the boy. I think the boy's name was Link."
Link's mind flashed back to the final battle. 10 years ago in the ruins of Ganon's castle. Link thought Ganon was already dead after the first fight. The heat from the wall of fire caused Link's clothes to stick to his skin; the difficulty breathing he had from the heat and dust.After what seemed like hours, Zelda channeled the power of the Sages allowing Link to kill Ganondorf. Well, he had thought that. Apparently, Ganon, the King of Gerudos had come back while he was away in other countries fighting evil there. Link had assumed that Ganon was dead. He would haven't left Hyrule if he knew that was the case. He imaged himself possibly having a family.
Link's mind slowly came back to the present. The old man remained there across the fire smiling a toothless grin. The old man stood up quietly and went to the back of his home and opened a pot. Pulling out a pale crusty piece of bread, he walked back to Link. He softly set the bread in Link's lap and walked back to his ragged mat across the fire. Link quietly stared at the bread before picking it up and taking a bit, his teeth scrapping against the crust knocking crumbs onto his tunic. The bread tasted sour and made Link gag slightly when he swallowed it. After eating the rest of the sour bread, Link looked across the small fire flitting around the wood.
"My name is Link. I used to live in the Kokiri Village a long time ago about 17 years ago."
The man sat undisturbed by Link's comment. The old man's lips curled up.
"Nice to meet you Link. I thought the Kokiri people stayed young. Or they did when they were still alive. Slaughtered by Ganon when he was resurrected. Tell me Link, where have you been?"
Link stood up and dusted off his ripped, stained tunic. He took a deep breathe exhaling slowly before commenting, "I've been travelling around the world. I fought cartels, bandit leaders, and all other types of people.After leaving Hyrule 10 years ago I swore I would always fight injustice where ever I could find it. Or so I thought."
The old man didn't seemed phased by Link's comment. "I see. Well you certainly look the part of a warrior. You've been gone for a long time. Let me let you in on what's occurred over the past couple of years."
The old man's face took a grave look as he began the long winding tale of Link's past adventures as a boy and older when he defeated Ganon. Link smile to himself at certain points knowing of the old man's version were incorrect. The boy in the story didn't disappear for seven years to study martial arts in the desert with a hermit. Nor did his horse, Epona, have the magic ability to fly. After the events that he participated in, Link leaned forward and sought to understand every word coming out of the old man's toothless mouth.
"The boy disappeared shortly after Ganon laid dead on the ground. The only other person who knew what exactly happened to him was Princess Zelda. She hasn't told a soul however. Some said he went back to the desert to continue to train but never made it. Regardless of his fate, the story continues. The kingdom began to rebuild and the people returned. Castle Town was cleared of all the zombies things, redeads I think they were called by people. It was really close to being back to normal, although it would never be the same as a giant hole was there rather than the beautiful castle. I miss the castle."
The man paused a second and closed his eyes tight. Link could see the man's eyes water up as tears began to travel down his dirty cheek. The man steadied himself and took a deep breath, resuming the story with his voice shaky.
"2 years ago, I heard rumors that Ganon had returned. Hyrule was on the verge of being back to normal. I, people, no one took the rumors seriously. We figured the boy who saved us last time would be there to save us again. We were wrong. Ganon's revenge was brutal. He annihilated populations without remorse.My family was in Castle Town where he first appeared. Now, it, is..."
The old man sobs froze Link. He was clueless what to do and how to help this old man. Years of fighting had detached Link emotionally; he didn't know what to do. He stared at the old man sobbing profusely.Remember seeing something on a travel five years ago where a father comforted a boy, Link stood up without a noise, pulled out a small clothe piece from a pouch. He squatted next to the man while putting his hand on the man's shoulder handed the piece to him to wipe his tears.
"Thank. You." was said between deep breaths.
Link crossed back to his spot. The man wiped his eyes and blew his nose. After a minute of breathing he resume the tale.
"Ganon next attacked the Gorons and the Zoras. Few have survived, many people have been forced into work camps to make monuments to him. I was in a camp for six months before I managed to escape. This port town has hidden me since. In the last year and a half I have seen three people and hundreds of Ganon's minions. Yet all of them came from inland. Which brings me to you. You are the only person in all the time I've been here to get off a boat. Why did you come here?"
The man's face looked grave. Link knew he needed to answer the man who had been kind to him. Yet he knew he didn't want to give away who he was or more accurately, who he had been. Link opened his mouth to speak but paused before a word was formed in his mouth. He paused a bit. Staring at the fire, he spoke.
"I came home to rest after leaving ten years ago. I had fought long and hard here and wanted to help others in distance lands. I did so but at a price."
The man nodded quietly. The man wobbled to his feet and approached Link.
"I will give you some food and water. But son, its best you not stay here. I fear you are needed somewhere besides the ruins here. Somewhere you might do some good."
With that the man, gathered some small scraps of food and a waterskin for Link and sent him back through the hole to the outside where it had grown dark.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Wizards/Sorcerers/Mages/Spellcasters... Screw you.
As a frequent player of games, I have become accustomed to certain character archtypes. For those who read my blog I'm going to do a quick plug in for this site:
Tv Tropes
To get back from my tangent, when I play video games, notably ones where you can be classes, they tend to be along the same type of classes: You have your warrior/strength dude, your rogue/stealthy skilled dude, and your wizard/spellcaster dude. Now I am glad they give me choices. I like choices. You need choices in game. Who wants their character in an RPG like D&D or some other game to be the same as everyone else's (this excludes Eastern RPGs such as Final Fantasy). You want to make your character yours. It is gonna be a reflection of your personality. You can have your character wield a big huge axe or a tiny sword which you skewer baddies with, or you can have a staff and shoot lightening.
I typically play a more warrior based character. I like to balance out my defense and my offensive. Two handed weapons tend to optimize too much the offensive and I worry. I instead try to get a weapon that is strong yet one handed, so I can use a shield. I like shields. I don't like a bulky meathead looking guy. I prefer someone who is closer to me.
Wizards, however, I never play. The idea of magic I have never been to keen on. First issue is you are squishy. A single poke from a twig can break your bones. Second, I always felt like magic users were big on the "Ha! look at how many I took out! I must be more important than you." I don't like standing back and throwing lightening bolts at people. Seems a bit unfair to me.
Now, if I offend anyone with this rant, boo fucking hoo. I don't care.I don't like wizards. I don't like sorcerers. I don't like mages. Harry Potter can go play with his wand for all I care. When I play a character, its not gonna be a muscle head but it sure as isn't going to be an old man with a bad back and a orthopedic hip with a wand.
Tv Tropes
To get back from my tangent, when I play video games, notably ones where you can be classes, they tend to be along the same type of classes: You have your warrior/strength dude, your rogue/stealthy skilled dude, and your wizard/spellcaster dude. Now I am glad they give me choices. I like choices. You need choices in game. Who wants their character in an RPG like D&D or some other game to be the same as everyone else's (this excludes Eastern RPGs such as Final Fantasy). You want to make your character yours. It is gonna be a reflection of your personality. You can have your character wield a big huge axe or a tiny sword which you skewer baddies with, or you can have a staff and shoot lightening.
I typically play a more warrior based character. I like to balance out my defense and my offensive. Two handed weapons tend to optimize too much the offensive and I worry. I instead try to get a weapon that is strong yet one handed, so I can use a shield. I like shields. I don't like a bulky meathead looking guy. I prefer someone who is closer to me.
Wizards, however, I never play. The idea of magic I have never been to keen on. First issue is you are squishy. A single poke from a twig can break your bones. Second, I always felt like magic users were big on the "Ha! look at how many I took out! I must be more important than you." I don't like standing back and throwing lightening bolts at people. Seems a bit unfair to me.
Now, if I offend anyone with this rant, boo fucking hoo. I don't care.I don't like wizards. I don't like sorcerers. I don't like mages. Harry Potter can go play with his wand for all I care. When I play a character, its not gonna be a muscle head but it sure as isn't going to be an old man with a bad back and a orthopedic hip with a wand.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Dragon Age (amended)
As of now, I have a copy of Dragon Age: Origins coming, all thanks to my wonderful amazing fiancee :D
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Dragon Age
Taking a brief sabbatical from my story writing, I'm going to write about some other random things. One is the next game I'm excited for.

I've played the game before and really enjoyed the plot. Bioware does a great job on all their games; this one being now exceptions. The previous time I played it I had rented it. I'm pretty excited. Right now I'm using it as motivation to get through and finish school. I think it reminds me of D&D which always makes me excited.
Right now I'm working on several super cool awesome things for school. My portfolio and several units. The portfolio is pretty intense. The units are nice because they are both the same unit except focusing on different things. I've heard it said that the best way to learn is to teach, which is remarkably true. I really feel like I understand so much more about federalism now after making a whole unit about it. I'm pretty set on finishing all my homework in time. Pretty sure about getting As too.
Music wise I think I'm just in a rut. Not that its bad. I think I've just kinda plateaued with my tastes. I've been listening to mostly the same things for a while. Its hard to get on my computer one to change my iPod cause my computer is broken. Lame. I know.
Emmy got me a super awesome comic book. I just want to share it with you all. She's pretty much the coolest girl ever. I love her :D
I've played the game before and really enjoyed the plot. Bioware does a great job on all their games; this one being now exceptions. The previous time I played it I had rented it. I'm pretty excited. Right now I'm using it as motivation to get through and finish school. I think it reminds me of D&D which always makes me excited.
Right now I'm working on several super cool awesome things for school. My portfolio and several units. The portfolio is pretty intense. The units are nice because they are both the same unit except focusing on different things. I've heard it said that the best way to learn is to teach, which is remarkably true. I really feel like I understand so much more about federalism now after making a whole unit about it. I'm pretty set on finishing all my homework in time. Pretty sure about getting As too.
Music wise I think I'm just in a rut. Not that its bad. I think I've just kinda plateaued with my tastes. I've been listening to mostly the same things for a while. Its hard to get on my computer one to change my iPod cause my computer is broken. Lame. I know.
Emmy got me a super awesome comic book. I just want to share it with you all. She's pretty much the coolest girl ever. I love her :D
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Part 3 of story, "Hero of Time"
After over a month on the sea, the ship neared the port in Hyrule. Link stood at the deck of the ship gazing toward the shoreline. The crew nervously worked around, avoiding glancing at the far off land. One old grizzled man stopped mopping the deck to look nervously at Link.
"You want to go back to Hyrule?"
Link looked at the man, "Its my home. I haven't been there for over ten years."
"Oh well, you'll find out soon enough."
"What do you mean by that."
The old man turned back to his dirty mop and resumed his task. Link stared at the ever approaching coastline, wondering what the old man had meant. Link brushed the thought aside and went into the inside of the old ship. The ship rocked back and forth in the waves as Link descended into the rotten, moldy interior. Link was the only passager on the boat left. They all had got off before the ship proceeded to Hyrule. It was poorly lit in the lower decks, Link made do with his lantren. The floor in the ship has soaked and slippery from the water that slowly made its way into it. Link walked past the crew quarters and towards the bottom of the ship where all his possessions where kept for the journey.
Link stepped into the cargo hold with the stench of rot filling the air. He had long since become acustom to terrible smells. Continuing past all the crates and barrels containing various foods and goods, he came to his make shift bed in the back. As he rolled his bedroll up water began to leaked from the inside and his bag was in foot deep water from the previous night's storm. He finished packing as he grimiaced each time water was found somewhere it shouldn't be. After quickly packing his belongs together and straping everything to his back, Link trudged back up the same slippery stairs.
Back on the deck, the port was now clearly visible. A smile grew on his face as thoughts of what he will do back in his homeland. He saw himself getting a new horse at Lon Lon Ranch and riding to see his old friends. Returning the master sword to the temple of time. Link smile grew large at the next thought. Giving back the Ocarina.
"I'll finally be able to just enjoy my time. No more worrying about going back changing things. My time will be my own."
A loud shout from a crew member brought him out of his trance.
"What are they yelling about? They didn't do anything like this at any other stops."
Link focused on the sight of the port. It was there but no one was waiting for them at the dock. many of the building had blacken roofs and missing walls. Rumble and other debris filled the street. The old grizzled man said, "I had heard Hyrule was just getting back to normal when something terrible happened. I hope you find what you are looking for son. We are about to set anchor and I'll be taking you ashore. You have all your belongings?
Link felt a knot in his throat and his heart ached. He wondered what could cause this trouble. Ganon? No he thought. Link knew that he was defeated. He made sure of it. There was no way that monster could return. Link shook the thoughts from his head. His eyes narrowed as he stepped onto the same boat taking him to shore. The old man sat in front of him, reading the oars. The boat smacked the water as it landed, the water splashing and landing in the boat. As the old man began to row, the water lapped and hit the boat. Gulls circled around, diving to catch some fish in the water. The air chilled Link as the water splash and soaked his clothes. The old man just stared intently at Link with his one good eye. After several minutes of just the sound of the water and the gulls, the old man spoke up.
"Last time our ship was here, the port was busy and alive. Something must have happened in the past six months that caused the port to be disserted. I really hope you find those you are looking for. The boat won't be back for another eight months."
Link looked at him but didn't respond. His mind was racing. He tried to think of every possible scenario of things that could cause this devastation
"I remember this port when I left ten years ago. It was alive. It wasn't destroyed when Ganon.first rose to power."
The old man continued, "We don't come to Hyrule that often. I was here about ten or so years ago. It was a miserable place. Just taken over by some guy. Really foul character. I wish I could remember his name. Ganor? Gondor? Ga-"
"Ganondorf" Link said his jaw clenched and hands balled into fists.
"Oh. Yeah. Well this nasty looking character took over Hyrule. Some young feller came along 7 years afterwards and beat him but then left."
The boat pulled up next to the pier as the water splashed all around it. It was completely disertted. Crates and barrels were shattered where they had been. Link tossed his pack over the side and stepped onto the worn wood. The old man looked once at him and said, "Good luck son." and began to row back to the ship.
Link stood on the pier facing the port city. The wind came in from the sea blowing a chill that ran up Link's spine. He became aware that there were no gulls or other animals around the docks. Nothing was here. Quickly picking up his possessions, he walked into the city from the pier.He strapped the Master Sword to his back and hung the Hyrule shield on his arm. Link thought the heavy armor would be a bit excessive since he didn't anticipate any complications or anything that would require it. The sun though shining didn't give the air or the town any wartmth. He passed several of the warehouses on the docks and saw them blackened and crumbling. The wood and stone heaped on the ground where a wall used to be. Link slows his pace down as he enters deeper into the town. Slowly taking each step, his eyes darted from corner to corner, looking to the sky for any signs of trouble there.
A deep scratching noise comes from behind Link. He flips around and unsheaths the Master sword, eyes focusing on everything they can. The sounds continued, as every few seconds a hard scraping noise closed in on Link. His eyes darted back and forth as we crouched lower to the ground. His brain tried to decipher which direction the noise was coming from. Link slowed his breathing. The noise continued closer to Link. He felt his heart pound in his chest; his hand could barely grip the sword.
"I should be acustomed to this. I've been fighting the unknown for years."
The noise stopped just short of Link's line of sight. He held his breathed as the creature came into site. It was a small man with a deformed foot. Link released his breathe and called out to the man.
"Ahoy sir!"
The man whipped around with his eyes wide and mouth open to scream in shock before attempting to run away.
"Wait sir! I just got here! Can you answer some of my questions?"
The man tried his best to out run the able bodied Link, but was quickly overran and stopped.. He looked at Link with tears streaming down his eyes as the rest of his body shook.
"P-p-p-p-please don't k- k-k-kill me! I d-d-d-don't know if G-g-g-g-ganon's minions have p-p-p-pity but I b-b-b-beg of you!"
Link was caught speechless. His body dropped to the ground! His mind raced as ten thousand thoughts blurred and fused together. Link's body went cold, as sweat poured from his forehead and body. His head slide down resting on the stone wall of a ruined building. The man staring at this began to back away slowly keeping his eyes on Link the whole time whose eyes began to tear up.In Link's mind, one thought played over again and again.
"Ganon did this."
"You want to go back to Hyrule?"
Link looked at the man, "Its my home. I haven't been there for over ten years."
"Oh well, you'll find out soon enough."
"What do you mean by that."
The old man turned back to his dirty mop and resumed his task. Link stared at the ever approaching coastline, wondering what the old man had meant. Link brushed the thought aside and went into the inside of the old ship. The ship rocked back and forth in the waves as Link descended into the rotten, moldy interior. Link was the only passager on the boat left. They all had got off before the ship proceeded to Hyrule. It was poorly lit in the lower decks, Link made do with his lantren. The floor in the ship has soaked and slippery from the water that slowly made its way into it. Link walked past the crew quarters and towards the bottom of the ship where all his possessions where kept for the journey.
Link stepped into the cargo hold with the stench of rot filling the air. He had long since become acustom to terrible smells. Continuing past all the crates and barrels containing various foods and goods, he came to his make shift bed in the back. As he rolled his bedroll up water began to leaked from the inside and his bag was in foot deep water from the previous night's storm. He finished packing as he grimiaced each time water was found somewhere it shouldn't be. After quickly packing his belongs together and straping everything to his back, Link trudged back up the same slippery stairs.
Back on the deck, the port was now clearly visible. A smile grew on his face as thoughts of what he will do back in his homeland. He saw himself getting a new horse at Lon Lon Ranch and riding to see his old friends. Returning the master sword to the temple of time. Link smile grew large at the next thought. Giving back the Ocarina.
"I'll finally be able to just enjoy my time. No more worrying about going back changing things. My time will be my own."
A loud shout from a crew member brought him out of his trance.
"What are they yelling about? They didn't do anything like this at any other stops."
Link focused on the sight of the port. It was there but no one was waiting for them at the dock. many of the building had blacken roofs and missing walls. Rumble and other debris filled the street. The old grizzled man said, "I had heard Hyrule was just getting back to normal when something terrible happened. I hope you find what you are looking for son. We are about to set anchor and I'll be taking you ashore. You have all your belongings?
Link felt a knot in his throat and his heart ached. He wondered what could cause this trouble. Ganon? No he thought. Link knew that he was defeated. He made sure of it. There was no way that monster could return. Link shook the thoughts from his head. His eyes narrowed as he stepped onto the same boat taking him to shore. The old man sat in front of him, reading the oars. The boat smacked the water as it landed, the water splashing and landing in the boat. As the old man began to row, the water lapped and hit the boat. Gulls circled around, diving to catch some fish in the water. The air chilled Link as the water splash and soaked his clothes. The old man just stared intently at Link with his one good eye. After several minutes of just the sound of the water and the gulls, the old man spoke up.
"Last time our ship was here, the port was busy and alive. Something must have happened in the past six months that caused the port to be disserted. I really hope you find those you are looking for. The boat won't be back for another eight months."
Link looked at him but didn't respond. His mind was racing. He tried to think of every possible scenario of things that could cause this devastation
"I remember this port when I left ten years ago. It was alive. It wasn't destroyed when Ganon.first rose to power."
The old man continued, "We don't come to Hyrule that often. I was here about ten or so years ago. It was a miserable place. Just taken over by some guy. Really foul character. I wish I could remember his name. Ganor? Gondor? Ga-"
"Ganondorf" Link said his jaw clenched and hands balled into fists.
"Oh. Yeah. Well this nasty looking character took over Hyrule. Some young feller came along 7 years afterwards and beat him but then left."
The boat pulled up next to the pier as the water splashed all around it. It was completely disertted. Crates and barrels were shattered where they had been. Link tossed his pack over the side and stepped onto the worn wood. The old man looked once at him and said, "Good luck son." and began to row back to the ship.
Link stood on the pier facing the port city. The wind came in from the sea blowing a chill that ran up Link's spine. He became aware that there were no gulls or other animals around the docks. Nothing was here. Quickly picking up his possessions, he walked into the city from the pier.He strapped the Master Sword to his back and hung the Hyrule shield on his arm. Link thought the heavy armor would be a bit excessive since he didn't anticipate any complications or anything that would require it. The sun though shining didn't give the air or the town any wartmth. He passed several of the warehouses on the docks and saw them blackened and crumbling. The wood and stone heaped on the ground where a wall used to be. Link slows his pace down as he enters deeper into the town. Slowly taking each step, his eyes darted from corner to corner, looking to the sky for any signs of trouble there.
A deep scratching noise comes from behind Link. He flips around and unsheaths the Master sword, eyes focusing on everything they can. The sounds continued, as every few seconds a hard scraping noise closed in on Link. His eyes darted back and forth as we crouched lower to the ground. His brain tried to decipher which direction the noise was coming from. Link slowed his breathing. The noise continued closer to Link. He felt his heart pound in his chest; his hand could barely grip the sword.
"I should be acustomed to this. I've been fighting the unknown for years."
The noise stopped just short of Link's line of sight. He held his breathed as the creature came into site. It was a small man with a deformed foot. Link released his breathe and called out to the man.
"Ahoy sir!"
The man whipped around with his eyes wide and mouth open to scream in shock before attempting to run away.
"Wait sir! I just got here! Can you answer some of my questions?"
The man tried his best to out run the able bodied Link, but was quickly overran and stopped.. He looked at Link with tears streaming down his eyes as the rest of his body shook.
"P-p-p-p-please don't k- k-k-kill me! I d-d-d-don't know if G-g-g-g-ganon's minions have p-p-p-pity but I b-b-b-beg of you!"
Link was caught speechless. His body dropped to the ground! His mind raced as ten thousand thoughts blurred and fused together. Link's body went cold, as sweat poured from his forehead and body. His head slide down resting on the stone wall of a ruined building. The man staring at this began to back away slowly keeping his eyes on Link the whole time whose eyes began to tear up.In Link's mind, one thought played over again and again.
"Ganon did this."
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Part 2 of Story
Act 1 Scene 2
The sky is overcast as Link walks down a worn road toward the nearest city. It had been years since he had rode a horse; things had happened that brought back bittersweet memories. Link's hand reaches down and feels the Ocarina. He pulls it up and puts it next to his mouth but stops short. He stares off into the distance.
"How did it become this way? Life used to seem so promising and everything even at it's darkest had hope. I'm glad I'm done fighting. I've lost so much."
He kicks a rock in the road and watches it bounce along the road.
Link looks with disgust at the Ocarina inches from his mouth. Throwing it back into his stachel, he continues down the road as the wind picks up, whipping his and his hair around. The air is hot with the humidity on this day . His armor captures the heat and stings his skin each time he moves. His thoughts start to flow back to his life. Navi, the fairy he once had. The Great Deku tree who sent Navi to help him. The journey they began. Zelda. Saria. Malon. It all seems so far away now. It was all so fun at the time but now it is just my job. Helping people. I used to use the Ocarina all the time to go back and fix things. The last people I fought I couldn't use it once. Then again I didn't need to. Those five crime bosses were easier than anything in the past. like Ganon."
Ganon. Link's stomach twists with the name. He had fought him and defeated him over 10 years ago, but the memories still made Link wake up in cold sweats. That was a face that was unforgetable to Link.
"Ganon made me into what I am today. I fight. I have fought for the past ten years. Everything I learned was to defeat Ganon. I've only become better. But I feel disconneted some way. I know the Tri-Force was there the first time. I just don't feel part of it anymore. I am glad he is dead. Too bad I'm still stuck with this monster."
Reaching back into his stachel he grabs the Ocarina with a crushing grip. He throws it down the road, as it lands skipping and sliding to a stop. The angry grows in his eyes, his jaw clenches shut.
"DAMN the Ocarina! I hate what it has done to me. I should have thrown it away long ago. I had to use it always. Saved Hyrule. Defeated Majora's Mask. It seems like now each time I use it a piece of me dies. The songs haunt me."
He finds that he has started to whistle Epona's song. He stops and fights back the tears. He hadn't thought about Epona for years. "She had got old and he couldn't keep putting her in danger. Epona was the one piece of home I had with me. When I left her with the farmer I could tell how sad she was. I had to fight back the tears. I wouldn't accept any money for her. She was my greatest friend after Navi."
Several leaves blows acrss the path shaking him from the thoughts. He hurries down the road. As he passes the Ocarina he scoops it up and puts in back into his satchel. The blue hue color has faded and worn here he held it a thousand times.
"Navi. There is someone who was always there to help. God. If there wasn't times to tell me to listen that weren't just really bad times. Ha. Me hanging off a ledge over a bottom less pit and she says, 'HEY! LISTEN!' I thought I was going to beat her when I got through it all. But she was with me until the day I left Hyrule. She couldn't take leaving. I wonder if she'll recognize me."
After several more miles, rain begins to fall on him. He continues to jog down the road until in the distance he can see the shoreline of the ocean in the distance. Beyond the ocean, was Hyrule. The first place he saved all those years years ago. The rain soaks him and his armor. The armor gets harder to run in as the clothes get soaked and slows the movement.
As he jogs, Epona's song comes back into his head. He whistles along as his eyes swell with tears in them.
The sky is overcast as Link walks down a worn road toward the nearest city. It had been years since he had rode a horse; things had happened that brought back bittersweet memories. Link's hand reaches down and feels the Ocarina. He pulls it up and puts it next to his mouth but stops short. He stares off into the distance.
"How did it become this way? Life used to seem so promising and everything even at it's darkest had hope. I'm glad I'm done fighting. I've lost so much."
He kicks a rock in the road and watches it bounce along the road.
Link looks with disgust at the Ocarina inches from his mouth. Throwing it back into his stachel, he continues down the road as the wind picks up, whipping his and his hair around. The air is hot with the humidity on this day . His armor captures the heat and stings his skin each time he moves. His thoughts start to flow back to his life. Navi, the fairy he once had. The Great Deku tree who sent Navi to help him. The journey they began. Zelda. Saria. Malon. It all seems so far away now. It was all so fun at the time but now it is just my job. Helping people. I used to use the Ocarina all the time to go back and fix things. The last people I fought I couldn't use it once. Then again I didn't need to. Those five crime bosses were easier than anything in the past. like Ganon."
Ganon. Link's stomach twists with the name. He had fought him and defeated him over 10 years ago, but the memories still made Link wake up in cold sweats. That was a face that was unforgetable to Link.
"Ganon made me into what I am today. I fight. I have fought for the past ten years. Everything I learned was to defeat Ganon. I've only become better. But I feel disconneted some way. I know the Tri-Force was there the first time. I just don't feel part of it anymore. I am glad he is dead. Too bad I'm still stuck with this monster."
Reaching back into his stachel he grabs the Ocarina with a crushing grip. He throws it down the road, as it lands skipping and sliding to a stop. The angry grows in his eyes, his jaw clenches shut.
"DAMN the Ocarina! I hate what it has done to me. I should have thrown it away long ago. I had to use it always. Saved Hyrule. Defeated Majora's Mask. It seems like now each time I use it a piece of me dies. The songs haunt me."
He finds that he has started to whistle Epona's song. He stops and fights back the tears. He hadn't thought about Epona for years. "She had got old and he couldn't keep putting her in danger. Epona was the one piece of home I had with me. When I left her with the farmer I could tell how sad she was. I had to fight back the tears. I wouldn't accept any money for her. She was my greatest friend after Navi."
Several leaves blows acrss the path shaking him from the thoughts. He hurries down the road. As he passes the Ocarina he scoops it up and puts in back into his satchel. The blue hue color has faded and worn here he held it a thousand times.
"Navi. There is someone who was always there to help. God. If there wasn't times to tell me to listen that weren't just really bad times. Ha. Me hanging off a ledge over a bottom less pit and she says, 'HEY! LISTEN!' I thought I was going to beat her when I got through it all. But she was with me until the day I left Hyrule. She couldn't take leaving. I wonder if she'll recognize me."
After several more miles, rain begins to fall on him. He continues to jog down the road until in the distance he can see the shoreline of the ocean in the distance. Beyond the ocean, was Hyrule. The first place he saved all those years years ago. The rain soaks him and his armor. The armor gets harder to run in as the clothes get soaked and slows the movement.
As he jogs, Epona's song comes back into his head. He whistles along as his eyes swell with tears in them.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
First Story Idea?
So I'm leaning towards the Zelda idea for several reasons. One issue is that I know how I want it to go and the character development. Another is reason is I want to work on it is I think it is a nice safe place to start.
So I'm going to try to make this work.
Act 1 Scene 1
Location: Inside a dark poorly backroom of a bar. A hall wall an armored figure walks calmly down with a shield and sword drawn. In the background laughing and rowdy noises fill the air.
When walking past a torch the light shines off the hat revealing a green long cap and a blue shield. The shield is worn and faded, whatever symbol had been there long ago has disappeared. The armor is barely audible by those in the back room. The figure stops in front of the door.A single sigh escapes his lips.He turns back to stare at the hallway he just walked through. He has dark circles under his eyes. He hasn't slept for days.
He thinks to himself, "This is the last time. I've been fighting forever.I promised myself I'd return home after this last quest is over."
He takes a deep breathe and unsheths his sword.The Master Sword has all but lost it's power and bite long ago. After a second's pause, he lifts his boot up and kicks. CRACK! the wood splinters under the force of the boot colliding with it. The five men in there looked shocked at the figure in the door way. Each has a puzzled look on their face until they realized what the nature of the assailant is.
"Who the hell are you? Don't you think it is rude to break down another man's door especially when he has company?"
The five men pulled out their motley assortment of weapons-maces, spears and swords. The two largest men pull out large swords with and grip tightly around the hand. One flashes a quick evil smile and whispers.
"Kill him."
The five men charge the lone figure in the door. The sword and shield become a blur as he blocks and stabs each attacker. The first two fall down with their stomachs split up. The third attacker swings his mace wildly. The figure dips and dodges before rolling back and crouching into a defensive posture. The attacker lunges and revels his side to the figure. In an instant the figure slams his shield into the man's weapon hand and brings his sword into the attacker's side. The blood pours out of the wound. He clutches his side and fails over, screaming in agony.
The last two men slow inch themselves toward the assailant who has dispatched their comrades unfortunate fate.
"Be careful. He obviously isn't a common thug. He's good. He isn't an assassin thats for sure. Any assassin wouldn't use the front door like him."
"I don't care what he is. He is a murderer."
One man swings his greatsword toward the figure who ducks and rolls. The other attacker takes a quick stab at the man. As he is exiting his roll, the blade descends upon him.Instantly he throws his head to the side, and moves his shield over his face. The blade lands with crushing force stinging the figure's arm and making him grunting with pain. He manages to stand up and pull out his hook shot, sending the hook into one's arm and
pulling him towards him. The man screams as the figure eviscerates him and pulls out the hook shot. The last attacker looks around at the fate of his partners. Gripping the sword's handle even tighter, the last attacker nervously glances around and last at the figure.
Not wasting another second, the assailant rushes the last man. The swords collide as the man throws his sword up last second. The figure thrown off but the quick block stumbles back. Pressing the advantage, the last man swings low aiming for the legs, only to find a shield in the way deflecting the swing. The figure pulls his sword back and crouches with his shield protecting most of his body. The two men stare at each other for a second until the man throws himself at the figure. The sword's blade slams against the shield and reviberates with pounding force. The figure throws his shield up and thrusts and swings his sword at the man. Welting under the ceaseless assault, the last man starts to step backwards. As he puts his foot down, it lands on the mace head of his former partner; slipping and losing his balance the figure takes the opportunity to throw all his weight into a cleave.
The last man slumps to the floor blood flowing freely from his head, face and chest. The figure wipes the blade off on the man's clothes and sheaths it.
"I'm going back to Hyrule now," he thinks as he steps over the corpses and into the hallway.
So I'm going to try to make this work.
Act 1 Scene 1
Location: Inside a dark poorly backroom of a bar. A hall wall an armored figure walks calmly down with a shield and sword drawn. In the background laughing and rowdy noises fill the air.
When walking past a torch the light shines off the hat revealing a green long cap and a blue shield. The shield is worn and faded, whatever symbol had been there long ago has disappeared. The armor is barely audible by those in the back room. The figure stops in front of the door.A single sigh escapes his lips.He turns back to stare at the hallway he just walked through. He has dark circles under his eyes. He hasn't slept for days.
He thinks to himself, "This is the last time. I've been fighting forever.I promised myself I'd return home after this last quest is over."
He takes a deep breathe and unsheths his sword.The Master Sword has all but lost it's power and bite long ago. After a second's pause, he lifts his boot up and kicks. CRACK! the wood splinters under the force of the boot colliding with it. The five men in there looked shocked at the figure in the door way. Each has a puzzled look on their face until they realized what the nature of the assailant is.
"Who the hell are you? Don't you think it is rude to break down another man's door especially when he has company?"
The five men pulled out their motley assortment of weapons-maces, spears and swords. The two largest men pull out large swords with and grip tightly around the hand. One flashes a quick evil smile and whispers.
"Kill him."
The five men charge the lone figure in the door. The sword and shield become a blur as he blocks and stabs each attacker. The first two fall down with their stomachs split up. The third attacker swings his mace wildly. The figure dips and dodges before rolling back and crouching into a defensive posture. The attacker lunges and revels his side to the figure. In an instant the figure slams his shield into the man's weapon hand and brings his sword into the attacker's side. The blood pours out of the wound. He clutches his side and fails over, screaming in agony.
The last two men slow inch themselves toward the assailant who has dispatched their comrades unfortunate fate.
"Be careful. He obviously isn't a common thug. He's good. He isn't an assassin thats for sure. Any assassin wouldn't use the front door like him."
"I don't care what he is. He is a murderer."
One man swings his greatsword toward the figure who ducks and rolls. The other attacker takes a quick stab at the man. As he is exiting his roll, the blade descends upon him.Instantly he throws his head to the side, and moves his shield over his face. The blade lands with crushing force stinging the figure's arm and making him grunting with pain. He manages to stand up and pull out his hook shot, sending the hook into one's arm and
pulling him towards him. The man screams as the figure eviscerates him and pulls out the hook shot. The last attacker looks around at the fate of his partners. Gripping the sword's handle even tighter, the last attacker nervously glances around and last at the figure.
Not wasting another second, the assailant rushes the last man. The swords collide as the man throws his sword up last second. The figure thrown off but the quick block stumbles back. Pressing the advantage, the last man swings low aiming for the legs, only to find a shield in the way deflecting the swing. The figure pulls his sword back and crouches with his shield protecting most of his body. The two men stare at each other for a second until the man throws himself at the figure. The sword's blade slams against the shield and reviberates with pounding force. The figure throws his shield up and thrusts and swings his sword at the man. Welting under the ceaseless assault, the last man starts to step backwards. As he puts his foot down, it lands on the mace head of his former partner; slipping and losing his balance the figure takes the opportunity to throw all his weight into a cleave.
The last man slumps to the floor blood flowing freely from his head, face and chest. The figure wipes the blade off on the man's clothes and sheaths it.
"I'm going back to Hyrule now," he thinks as he steps over the corpses and into the hallway.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Story Writing Time
While at work yesterday, it being an incredibly slow day with no one being up front to talk to me, I decided I wanted write something. Creative writing is something I don't have much experience with personally so it will be an adventure for all who follow my blog. While original material is my goal, I'm going to start on something simple, similar to fan fiction.
I have three ideas. One is to do short stories based on my D&D world with Emmilicious and Balin (Emmy's and my character respectfully) and our adventures before D&D.
The next idea is to write out my Link game idea in more of a narrative idea.
The last idea is based on Halo and ODST with the story being about a group landing on a unknown planet with a society being similar technologically to the U.S in the early 20th century.
These are the ideas I have. I think it would be fun one day to write the story for a game. I think honing my writing skills is one step to making my it a reality.
On D&D
I have been playing D&D now for about 4 years or so. I played once when I was a lot younger with my two brothers and my father as the DM. I remember we once had to fight a werewolf and use silver weapons. I also remember that the last time we were going to play, my father and step mother fought about chicken. Anyways. I'm still playing it.
I'm the DM which offers its own rewards and trials I have to spend a long time thinking of what characters want to do and what they MIGHT do. It is hard because most games I'm learning something new about how I want to run the games and the rules. I haven't had another more knowledgeable person as a DM for years. This places the burden on me for each game to be a new experience for them and a learning experience for me.
While it is true I love doing running the game; yet at the same time I like playing a character. My favorite class is the cleric. I like to play them like a tank. Currently, he is a 4th level battle cleric named Balin. Emmy plays too which makes the games more fun. She is a rogue named Emmilicious. When I write a campaign I write it with her in mind. In the current campaign, the five in the group (Kyle, Gordon, and Arthur along with Emmy's and my character) just got the Orb of Shadowfall.
Playing a character makes my job as the DM harder. My character has to play by the regular rules and I have to avoid giving him power. At the same time, I KNOW everything that is going to happen and how it will happen. This often results in my character being only useful in combat and in healing.So often I'm taken out of the real roleplaying experience because character via proxy knows too much.
In the next couple campaigns I hope really to give the other players more of a choice and be more open to the world for them. It has already become a large area that can be explored and flushed out. It really makes me feel as though what started years ago in the story being hired to help a captain and then the city of Market town has really grown into a world that is vivid.
I'm the DM which offers its own rewards and trials I have to spend a long time thinking of what characters want to do and what they MIGHT do. It is hard because most games I'm learning something new about how I want to run the games and the rules. I haven't had another more knowledgeable person as a DM for years. This places the burden on me for each game to be a new experience for them and a learning experience for me.
While it is true I love doing running the game; yet at the same time I like playing a character. My favorite class is the cleric. I like to play them like a tank. Currently, he is a 4th level battle cleric named Balin. Emmy plays too which makes the games more fun. She is a rogue named Emmilicious. When I write a campaign I write it with her in mind. In the current campaign, the five in the group (Kyle, Gordon, and Arthur along with Emmy's and my character) just got the Orb of Shadowfall.
Playing a character makes my job as the DM harder. My character has to play by the regular rules and I have to avoid giving him power. At the same time, I KNOW everything that is going to happen and how it will happen. This often results in my character being only useful in combat and in healing.So often I'm taken out of the real roleplaying experience because character via proxy knows too much.
In the next couple campaigns I hope really to give the other players more of a choice and be more open to the world for them. It has already become a large area that can be explored and flushed out. It really makes me feel as though what started years ago in the story being hired to help a captain and then the city of Market town has really grown into a world that is vivid.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Zelda Game Idea
I plan to take most of the credit for it despite John giving some input. Here is the idea: Hero of Time.
The idea is this. As we all know (assumption there), Link after defeat Ganon in Ocarina of Time leaves Hyrule. Now sometime between this and Windwaker, Ganon comes back. The Gods in response flood Hyrule. Now we are caught up on the backstory, my game idea takes place in this time.
Link from Ocarina of Time has left to go fight other evil else where in the world. This has left Hyrule defenseless for the unexpected return of Ganon. Link was about 18ish when he defeats Ganon. Another 10 to 12 years past with him fighting evil in world. I imagine the start of the game is you take up link right as he has to fight some other evil in the world. He quickly dispatches them.
The feeling you get is Link is tired. Years has past and he is growing weary of fighting and in some ways the Ocarina of Time. The blue color of the Ocarina has slowly diminished and worn away from years of use. Link returns to Hyrule to rest and possibly start a family and hang up his shield and return the master sword to its resting place.
Instead of the place he expects to find free and peaceful, Link discovers that Ganon has returned and quickly took control. Because Link has been gone for so long however, the Gods have begun to forsaken him. He is slowly losing his connection to the Tri-Force.He knows he must fight Ganon again however he knows this time he will need more help. He must recruit people to help him defeat Ganon. Malon is one I can think of. But you get the point.
Through the game, you'd still need to use the Ocarina to travel in time; however, it starts to be less and less time in the past. Even the Master Sword is becoming just a regular sword. He no longer can afford to wear the light tunic he has to put on heavier armor if he wants to live.
This would be a typical Zelda game with the puzzles and using the different equipment. I think though mixing and matching and combining different equipment would be a change. One large change would be the tone. Darker and Grittier. Zelda's have been light. With the title, it places enough distance between the rest of the franchise not to tarnish the image. However, it would be a story about Link and in some extent Zelda.
The end (cause you need to think where you start and how you get there and where there is) would give the games a much needed emotional connection. Link by the time he got to fight Ganon now is just an ordinary man. He no longer is that piece of the Tri Force.The Ocarina of Time, is just an ocarina. He knows that even without the Tri Force, the master sword, that those he picked up along the way will help him. What better way to end the game then have them all fight Ganon and his army and watch all they all fall until it is just Link and Ganon, one on one.
They'd fight. And at the very end both are one strike from victory. However, Ganon is the one who gets that last hit in. Link dies. It is at this time that the Gods know they can flood Hyrule to stop Ganon until a new hero can come along.
That is my idea. Give some feedback if you care to.
The idea is this. As we all know (assumption there), Link after defeat Ganon in Ocarina of Time leaves Hyrule. Now sometime between this and Windwaker, Ganon comes back. The Gods in response flood Hyrule. Now we are caught up on the backstory, my game idea takes place in this time.
Link from Ocarina of Time has left to go fight other evil else where in the world. This has left Hyrule defenseless for the unexpected return of Ganon. Link was about 18ish when he defeats Ganon. Another 10 to 12 years past with him fighting evil in world. I imagine the start of the game is you take up link right as he has to fight some other evil in the world. He quickly dispatches them.
The feeling you get is Link is tired. Years has past and he is growing weary of fighting and in some ways the Ocarina of Time. The blue color of the Ocarina has slowly diminished and worn away from years of use. Link returns to Hyrule to rest and possibly start a family and hang up his shield and return the master sword to its resting place.
Instead of the place he expects to find free and peaceful, Link discovers that Ganon has returned and quickly took control. Because Link has been gone for so long however, the Gods have begun to forsaken him. He is slowly losing his connection to the Tri-Force.He knows he must fight Ganon again however he knows this time he will need more help. He must recruit people to help him defeat Ganon. Malon is one I can think of. But you get the point.
Through the game, you'd still need to use the Ocarina to travel in time; however, it starts to be less and less time in the past. Even the Master Sword is becoming just a regular sword. He no longer can afford to wear the light tunic he has to put on heavier armor if he wants to live.
This would be a typical Zelda game with the puzzles and using the different equipment. I think though mixing and matching and combining different equipment would be a change. One large change would be the tone. Darker and Grittier. Zelda's have been light. With the title, it places enough distance between the rest of the franchise not to tarnish the image. However, it would be a story about Link and in some extent Zelda.
The end (cause you need to think where you start and how you get there and where there is) would give the games a much needed emotional connection. Link by the time he got to fight Ganon now is just an ordinary man. He no longer is that piece of the Tri Force.The Ocarina of Time, is just an ocarina. He knows that even without the Tri Force, the master sword, that those he picked up along the way will help him. What better way to end the game then have them all fight Ganon and his army and watch all they all fall until it is just Link and Ganon, one on one.
They'd fight. And at the very end both are one strike from victory. However, Ganon is the one who gets that last hit in. Link dies. It is at this time that the Gods know they can flood Hyrule to stop Ganon until a new hero can come along.
That is my idea. Give some feedback if you care to.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
First post to mark the occasion of Day Light Savings
Today was daylight savings. Not the good one. The bad one. Spring forward.I dislike it because it makes you sleep in an hour later to compensate for the fact you had to jump ahead an hour. I'm glad they do it on a weekend cause damn it would fuck up the schedule so much on a weekday. Cell phones and computers do make the switch easier though.
I do enjoy daylight savings for simple things like how much more time it gives me with the sun. I hate winter because the sun is like, "WHOA EARTH! Your axis is making me spend less time in the north so they receive less direct rays!"
I'm not down with that. Summer makes makes me happier with the amount of sun and the amount of time I get to spend with Emmy. I think one of the biggest reasons I wanted to be a teacher is fear of working during the summers. Partially absurd on my part, partially a smart move, I can't imagine working when the sun is out and its nice.
Happy Day light savings Everyone. Thanks to Emmy for the wonderful picture up top!
I do enjoy daylight savings for simple things like how much more time it gives me with the sun. I hate winter because the sun is like, "WHOA EARTH! Your axis is making me spend less time in the north so they receive less direct rays!"
I'm not down with that. Summer makes makes me happier with the amount of sun and the amount of time I get to spend with Emmy. I think one of the biggest reasons I wanted to be a teacher is fear of working during the summers. Partially absurd on my part, partially a smart move, I can't imagine working when the sun is out and its nice.
Happy Day light savings Everyone. Thanks to Emmy for the wonderful picture up top!
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