"Hello Chris."
"Umm. Its been a while."
"Yeah it has. Where have you been? With another blog probably!"
"I promise it wasn't like that at all Blog!"
"Go Fuck yourself Chris! I know you and your blog changing ways!"
"Blog, I promise you are the only blog for me ever. I was busy with things. I promise it won't happen again."
"You better not otherwise there won't be a blog to come back to."
I'm back writing on the blog after a month or so hiatus. A fun month it was. I moved, I worked, Emmy got a job. Busy busy busy. Life life life. I'm very happy about Emmy getting a job. A great one at that. She earned it without a doubt. She's doing graphic work for the AFL-CIO. So feel free to call me a socialist or a liberal. It has been a tough week for her, finding a car and getting all the paper work for the jobs and other related items. I wish I was there to take some of the pressure off her. But with the job, come December I should be able to drive out there and we can start living together.
Summer has been anti-climatic with little happening; I've been forced to play lots of games and do a lot of writing when I haven't been working or other such activities. I have been hoping my teachers will contact me with something to do but nothing so far. Blerg.
In my own writing realm, as much I liked my Zelda/Link story, it wasn't a Chris original. It was original in the sense I wrote it and was part of the creator of the whole idea. However, it still remained someone else's world and ideas that I had to shape my story around. It was a fun exercise and I learned a lot by practicing it. Maybe someday I'll return and finish it, I don't think now is the time for me to work on a story I haven't created.
It is on that note that I announce on my blog my new story currently lacking a name at the moment. So I will refer to it as a code name, Taco Stand Love. In this new, completely original piece I will be sticking to a realm I feel comfortable in, Sci Fi and Fantasy. Though my story is what some "experts" would call Science Fantasy, which I respond with a nice "FUCK YOU!" The theme of the story exploring the relationship between justice vs mercy in context of revenge with the backdrop of a war. For your reading pleasure, I will now provide a short synopsis of my story.
So a lot of my story breaks out a traditional format so it takes a bit more explanation than most stories of it type. It is a set in the continent of the Rokeeter. It is the first civilization to appear on continent and after 500 years the land is united under one government: The Imperial Republic of Deskota. The civilization is advanced with technologies and such that surpass our current levels, in ways. Several technologies were never invented/discovered such as cars and guns, so they continue to use other forms. Travel to other cities is made possible through Mag trains and such since combustion isn't necessary.
As in most fantasy there is a mix of magic, in Taco Stand Love there is no exception. However, I have a strong dislike for magic so this has impacted how magic is used in the story. Magical people are known as mana wielders and since it has only been in the past 50 years in story that magic has appeared (think if somehow magic appeared in our world) most are treated with suspicion and as terrorists. Mana wielders are between sorcerers and benders from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
In the time before the story starts the Imperial Republic has been at war for years with the Skepnan Host. The war has been going slowly for the humans against the creatures but have managed to prevent them from taking 3 of the provinces.
The story focuses on a special type of Imperial Legionnaire known a Republic Crusader named Balin. It is at the beginning of his graduation and start of his military service that the story begins. His first assignment is to be the commander of a garrison of the city of Thyro which is soon to be assualted by the Skepnan forces. It is here that Balin comes to the crossroads of his destiny.
My story in a nutshell so far. I'm on chapter four and pretty excited. If I could have a dream come true I'd see it as a one book or a two book series. Followed by a video game, an rpg, set 200-300 later and finally a movie.
And to dork everyone out this is the character inspiration I'm using for the armor for Balin.
1 comment:
Sounds cool, man.
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