Top Five things of the 2011 in the year of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
1. Emilia Torre/Moving to DC
For the fourth time in four years, Emmy Torre is the number thing of 2011.We have our own little apartment, and live has never been better. After years apart it is nice that we are finally living together. Emmy's job has been made permanent now which has allowed us to live there. I'm proud of her in way. How could she not be my top one? You'd think that you as a reader could figure this out, but I understand if you thought my list might be more focused. Regardless, number one is my fiancee and honestly, my better half. Next time you see her tell her (from me of course) that her booty is looking fly.
DC is an amazing city to live. We literally live five minutes away from the Capitol and less than 20 from Emmy's job. It is a beautiful city to live in. There is a wide range of architecture from the beginning to now. When you are driving into the city from Annapolis, there is an amazing skyline of the Washington Monument, the Dome of Capitol building, and the Smithsonian. I recommend if you haven't been to the DC, do it.
2. Revan
Finally! The wait is over. Thanks to the Old Republic Game and Drew Karpyshyn I now know what happens to the Jedi Revan.
A long time ago, in a galexy far, far way, a game came out. This game was Knights of the Old Republic (KoTOR). I played the game to the point where I could maximize my character. But the game never explained what happened next to him, and the more Old Republic stories continued the more interested I became. Earlier this year, the novel which explained his fate came out. Emmy got it for me for Christmas.
I won't discuss the plot in whole, but I will say that anyone familar with the Old Republic games will recognize familar faces. While the ending isn't particularly the happiest, I felt like it struck a happy medium.
3.Dragon Age 2
Compared to last year, there is only one game on this year's list. There were some great games that came out this year, but compared to last year, I didn't buy as many new ones. Early in the year, I did snag the Super Ultra Mega Rare Edition of Dragon Age 2. Before it came out I was really excited about it since seeing one of the trailers from E3. Being from Bioware is a plus for the game too.
I really enjoyed the game. Many reviews didn't enjoy that you were stuck in the city and it reused environments. It got tiresome after a while but the story is of the city and now the area so I granted them leeway with it all. The combat is improved and felt like the decisions were tough. The first time I decided to spare ol' Anders. Second time and henceforth, I will kill him. Anders is one crazy motherf#$%er.
4. Taco Stand Love Story: Act I
This is a little self congratulatory but this is my own damn blog. So, I'm going to praise myself. I finished my novel after a year and a half. Over 300 pages in my novel. Now I'm editing it.
I pray to God that I will finish it and find a publisher.
5. Soundtrack of the Year
So This is a collection of the songs I listened to the most during the year.
Enjoy. Not in any particular order. Numbering is just for fun.
1) Rizzle Kicks "Down with the Trumpets"
2) Brite Futures "Bedroom Costume"
3) Jimmy Eats World "Littlething"
4) Karen Elson "Crying, Waiting, Hoping"
5) Black Keys "Never Give You Up"
6) Decemberists "Rise to Me"
7) Ed Sheeran "Homeless"
8) Explosions in the Sky "Your hand in Mine"
9) Jaguar Love "Highways of Gold"
10) Jenny and Johnny "Big Wave"
11) Ke$ha "Tik Tok"
12) New Found Glory "My Heart Will Go On"
13) Rebecca Black "Friday"
14) Taylor Swift "Mean"
15) The Weepies "I Was Made For Sunny Days"
16) Wilson Philips "Hold On"
17) The Boxer Rebellion "Flashing Red Light Means Go "
18) Dashboard Confessional "The Motions"
19) Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros "Home" (RAC Mix)
20) Co Ed School "Bbiribbom Bberibbom"
21) Jamie Cullum "Not While I'm Around"
22) A Fine Frenzy "Bird of the Summer"
23) Lonely Island "I Just Had Sex"
24) M.I.A "Paper Planes"
25) Metric "Help I'm Aive"
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