Sunday, February 6, 2011

Novel Progress

I'd like to say my blog is full of insight and humor; however, the truth remains it is probably just a collection of my random thoughts, attempts at humor and a diary of my life. However, here I am plugging away at it. Updating things so everyone can see.

My novel progress. I want to make a pun out of it but sadly my mind is failing me at the moment. I'm up to 175 pages with my history chapter or 160 without. I've been giving some thought to my rewrites for some parts and one chapter/part is the history pages. I either need to rework them to be less dry or work them into the novel so you can still get it but not as blah. Also armor descriptions. Balin's armor has never been described in the book, but now I've wrote something for his armor.

My friend Kim is coming to town today so I may get a haircut but I'll just hang out with her later this week and get one then so I don't see like a douche.  All my hang out clothes are washing so I may have to dress up for hanging out. Awkward. I know . But meh.

I miss Emmy but soon I'll fly out there and we'll hang for a week of fun and games. Feb 24!

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