It is a new year and while some would take this chance to tell you of their personal resolutions, I will not. I don't make resolutions. I know if I do I won't accomplish them. So why create an atmosphere for failure?
Again, others would make a list of their top 5 things. Well I may do that, but not in this post. You can count on that in a future post. Or can you?
Regardless of the previous paragraphs, I will expound to you my past accomplishments or things of note. Saw Emmy. FUCKING EPIC! I love her and was so happy that I was able to just hold her hand. We spent the Christmas break together having fun. She had to go back to the East but she will get her contract renewed without a doubt. We bought some Nerf Guns and ran around and shot each other. She got some head shots on me. It was epic.
Along with Nerf guns I finally graduated and finished my student teaching. Now life is just the daunting reality of work and bills and grown up things. I'm registering to do substitute teaching; however it requires a lot of letters and such. But I'm gathering them all together to get it done. It is a relief and a horrible reality to finally graduate. Post Grad is a terrible movie about the reality that follows post college.
I've been working on my novel. For those who have read all my blogs, you are aware of two chapters. Those more intimately involved are aware of the full length of my book. I bought a magazine to help me become a better writer. So far, it just reminded me to do some prewriting. I felt like a dumb ass since I'm a teacher who doesn't practice it. Onto nine chapters with a lot of the story thought out in my mind. I will be happy if it gets published but I'll be just happy to actually finish it. Though,
Despite all the hard work I've put in other areas, I've played some games. Finished Dragon Age again. Played through Reach with Emmy. Now I'm starting my play through of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 to get to the game I want for the final installment of the series. All this means is my decisions need to be the ones I want. Mass Effect on insanity is a tough.
To round things up, I'll be hopefully moving soon to be with Emmy and get a teaching job and finish my novel. I guess my dream is to have a successful novel but I'll be happy like I said with it just being finished.
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