Monday, January 17, 2011

Post 2 Today. Yahoo!

Not wanting to crowd the last's post subject I saved this for another post. I've been working on my novel more, and now, I have over 150 pages of it (including the history prologue). Since I started I have definitely improved as a writer I think. I used to start cold and sit and make me write. Now I begin with a pre write, a nice warm up to the start the novel.

I just want to share one I wrote that I really enjoyed. Some of the scenes I pre write I may incorporate into the novel others will remain in the separate file that will never be shown to much of the public.

This particular one came from January 5th. Enjoy.

Back against the blacken raining sky, Emmilicious rose, a pool of warm scarlet water. Slowly she picked the gravel out of hand and off her face, giving no attention to the state of her surroundings. Once she finished with the gravel, she sat motionless with her hair lay flattened against her face. Her mind swimming in a daze from just coming too took in the state of the environment slowly.
She bolted up and looked around to fully examine the scene. Legionnaires and militia all lay dead around her. How she survived the battle after falling unconscious, she didn't want to dwell on. Her head screamed as though someone had shoved an ice pick into it. She tenderly touched her head to find a large knot and a small amount of blood coming from the wound.
Emmilicious sheathed her sword with a slow and delicate movement to prevent the blade from making any noise that might attract unwanted attention. Once her belongings were firmly secured, the survivor started to move through the bodies searching for the Sentinel in a hope that he might have survived the battle.

In the distance, flames touched and mingled with the sky and rain. The light provided gave her enough to see the faces of the corpses on the battlefield. Each careful step she aimed to avoided the bodies. Many of the people lay face down but she searched for a particular set of armor, ignoring the rest.
A mournful noise broke her out of the trance. She looked up praying that a Skepnan wasn't combing the field looking for survivors. Her arms ached as well as her legs, result of the long fight and injuries she assumed she sustained. In the distance she could make out a limping figure, one arm hung down to his side
The figure stumbled and fell on the ground many times struggling at times to get back up. Again it let out a low mournful noise. Emmilicious crept closer, hand on the hilt of the sword. The figure remained in a shadow, preventing her from telling who or what it was. It combed through the bodies, not caring if it made any sound. 
“I don't need it to be a Skepnan but if it is a person I can't leave them here.” Shifting her body and pivoting she made each move of her foot with thought, avoiding anything that may give her a way. The figure gave a short shriek, its back to Emmilicious.
The sound caught her off guard, and tumbling back, Emmilicious landed on a shield with resounded with a clang. The figure turned quickly and ran towards her, emerging into the light and revealing the hideous nature it possessed. 

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