Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17, Two days to Emmy's B-day. So of course, it is the perfect time to write a blog. Duh.

As I sit in the cafe, a thought struck me. Well, multiple thoughts have struck me. But this thought pertains more to my blog and less to the other activities in the cafe. Not withstanding the other thoughts, this one was that I need to write a blog.

It is warming up. Thank god. I hate the cold. Who ever decided the cold was a good idea is an idiot. The cold is like a person who is always outside (sometimes inside) that makes you feel uncomfortable and the only way to deal with their annoying behavior is to put more clothes on which sometimes doesn't work. The snow is disappearing which makes me rejoice.

I like summer. The air is warm. The sun reminds me that outside the world exists. The green trees tell me that their is more to life than what is inside my house on a computer screen. More important, summer is usually when I'm with Emmy. Some of my best memories are during the summer; memories of Emmy and I doing wacky things together and just being together.

There is one summer memory that sticks out to me involving Emmy and I. It was warm (summer is warm or hot, either one which I enjoy). Emmy and I went to her parents' house where we decided to make some dinner, this time hamburgers. Before dinner, we sat and talked and watched Tv. The shows I don't remember I just thought how perfect it was to do this with her. It made me imagine what it will be like when we are married. I loved it.

There are some mudane things that become infintely better when I'm doing them with Emmy. Cleaning, washing dishes, cooking all take on a fun atmosphere when we're together and performing these chores. I'd rather just sit with Emmy then go to an amusement park with anyone else. Life just takes a whole new zest and thrill with Emmy. I can't wait to live with her.

Summer has been my favorite season for every. But Emmy made it magical and amazing. She does it to everything. Ok, maybe not winter and enemas. She makes them the better, maybe enjoyable. But those have a lot going against them already. Still. This is me gushing over Emmy.

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