Sunday, March 14, 2010

First post to mark the occasion of Day Light Savings

Today was daylight savings. Not the good one. The bad one. Spring forward.I dislike it because it makes you sleep in an hour later to compensate for the fact you had to jump ahead an hour. I'm glad they do it on a weekend cause damn it would fuck up the schedule so much on a weekday. Cell phones and computers do make the switch easier though.
 I do enjoy daylight savings for simple things like how much more time it gives me with the sun. I hate winter because the sun is like, "WHOA EARTH! Your axis is making me spend less time in the north so they receive less direct rays!"
I'm not down with that. Summer makes makes me happier with the amount of sun and the amount of time I get to spend with Emmy. I think one of the biggest reasons I wanted to be a teacher is fear of working during the summers. Partially absurd on my part, partially a smart move, I can't imagine working when the sun is out and its nice.
Happy Day light savings Everyone. Thanks to Emmy for the wonderful picture up top!

1 comment:

Emilia Torre said...

Agreed, fuck Spring Forward. I can't wait to spend summers with you!