Thursday, March 25, 2010

First Story Idea?

So I'm leaning towards the Zelda idea for several reasons. One issue is that I know how I want it to go and the character development. Another is reason is I want to work on it is I think it is a nice safe place to start.

So I'm going to try to make this work.

Act 1 Scene 1

Location: Inside a dark poorly backroom of a bar. A hall wall an armored figure walks calmly down with a shield and sword drawn. In the background laughing and rowdy noises fill the air.

When walking past a torch the light shines off the hat revealing a green long cap and a blue shield. The shield is worn and faded, whatever symbol had been there long ago has disappeared. The armor is barely audible by those in the back room. The figure stops in front of the door.A single sigh escapes his lips.He turns back to stare at the hallway he just walked through. He has dark circles under his eyes. He hasn't slept for days.
He thinks to himself, "This is the last time. I've been fighting forever.I promised myself I'd return home after this last quest is over."
He takes a deep breathe and unsheths his sword.The Master Sword has all but lost it's power and bite long ago. After a second's pause, he lifts his boot up and kicks. CRACK! the wood splinters under the force of the boot colliding with it.  The five men in there looked shocked at the figure in the door way. Each has a puzzled look on their face until they realized what the nature of the assailant is.
"Who the hell are you? Don't you think it is rude to break down another man's door especially when he has company?"

The five men pulled out their motley assortment of weapons-maces, spears and swords. The two largest men pull out large swords with and grip tightly around the hand. One flashes a quick evil smile and whispers.
"Kill him."
The five men charge the lone figure in the door. The sword and shield become a blur as he blocks and stabs each attacker. The first two fall down with their stomachs split up. The third attacker swings his mace wildly. The figure dips and dodges before rolling back and crouching into a defensive posture. The attacker lunges and revels his side to the figure. In an instant the figure slams his shield into the man's weapon hand and brings his sword into the attacker's side. The blood pours out of the wound. He clutches his side and fails over, screaming in agony.

The last two men slow inch themselves toward the assailant who has dispatched their comrades unfortunate fate.
"Be careful. He obviously isn't a common thug. He's good. He isn't an assassin thats for sure. Any assassin wouldn't  use the front door like him."
"I don't care what he is. He is a murderer."
One man swings his greatsword toward the figure who ducks and rolls. The other attacker takes a quick stab at the man. As he is exiting his roll, the blade descends upon him.Instantly he throws his head to the side, and moves his shield over his face. The blade lands with crushing  force stinging the figure's arm and making him grunting with pain.  He manages to stand up and pull out his hook shot, sending the hook into one's arm and
pulling him towards him. The man screams as the figure eviscerates him and pulls out the hook shot. The last attacker looks around at the fate of his partners. Gripping the sword's handle even tighter, the last attacker nervously glances around and last at the figure.
Not wasting another second, the assailant rushes the last man. The swords collide as the man throws his sword up last second. The figure thrown off but the quick block stumbles back. Pressing the advantage, the last man swings low aiming for the legs, only to find a shield in the way deflecting the swing. The figure pulls his sword back and crouches with his shield protecting most of his body. The two men stare at each other for a second until the man throws himself at the figure. The sword's blade slams against the shield and reviberates with pounding force. The figure throws his shield up and thrusts and swings his sword at the man. Welting under the ceaseless assault, the last man starts to step backwards. As he puts his foot down, it lands on the mace head of his former partner; slipping and losing his balance the figure takes the opportunity to throw all his weight into a cleave.
The last man slumps to the floor blood flowing freely from his head, face and chest. The figure wipes the blade off on the man's clothes and sheaths it.
"I'm going back to Hyrule now," he thinks as he steps over the corpses and into the hallway.

1 comment:

Emilia Torre said...

This is amazing! I love it!!!! It really pulls you in!